Recent diagnosis of lung cancer

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I was told on Thursday that I have lung cancer. It has been detected early and at the moment they think it will be sorted with surgery alone. I am so glad that the worst yet of my life has actually saved my life. 

July 2022: I had a massive ovarian cyst. It contained about 1300 mls of liquid. They identified it was a cyst quite quickly so cancer scare No.1 was dealt with.

I had a CT scan of entire torso and they found a small lesion on my lung  thought it was just scarring  

Nov 30th 2022: I had a full hysterectomy including ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix. They tested some dubious cells and they turned out to be Borderline cells. The Dr unhelpfully described it as “you don’t have cancer but you don’t not have cancer!” Needless to say I was concerned but felt that all the cells had been removed and would undergo regular check ups for more cells. Cancer scare No. 2 was dealt with. 

January 2023: Second CT scan done on chest, just to make sure it was ok. It was not ok. But if hadn’t been for the awful cyst, who we named Oliver Cyst, the cancer would not have been caught until I had symptoms. 

It’s very early days. I’m feeling mixed emotions. 

  • Oh bless you, your journey sounds similar to mine. I too had a cyst on my ovary and had both fallopian tubes and ovaries removed.

    I started to get breathless a few months after and was sent for a ct scan which showed a nodule on my left lung which they monitored,  second ct 4 months later showed it had grown, next came the PET scan following the results, they removed two thirds of my left upper lobe, no further treatment needed except for 3 monthly scans.

    Your emotions are justified, allow yourself time. It's a hard journey but your not on your own.