A new normal

  • 12 replies
  • 146 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I first came onto this site a couple of months ago. I'm 40 years old, a non smoker and I had just found out that I had stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to my liver. I was feeling dreadful. Not just the emotional shock of finding out I only had months to live but my symptoms. I had constant indigestion and stomach problems, jaundice and was in a lot of pain. I thought that was how I would be feeling constantly from then on. The prospect was terrifying. 

I came on here and saw positive posts from people who were doing well but just thought they were the lucky ones. That maybe their symptoms hadn't been so bad or that their treatment was just working better. 

I've now been living with incurable cancer for a few months and my life is different but good. I had to give up my job, which was a real kick in the teeth because I had worked so hard at my career, but there are great effects from that. I get to spend more time with my husband. Laughing, joking, snuggling and making love. I get to spend more time talking to my family and friends. I have the time for hobbies, needle work, cooking, reading and watching lots of box sets. 

My symptoms are much better. The jaundice is gone, my stomach feels a lot better. My pain is under control. The only annoying symptom is fatigue and sleeping lots. But hey at this time of year who doesn't like being snuggled up under a duvet. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that some good does come out of all of this. You will still have lots of lovely moments to enjoy. I kind of feel like I've retired and am enjoying having time to do things. I don't know how long I've got left, but I do know that I'm not terrified any more. 

Hope this helps if you are where I was a few months ago. 

  • As_x

    sorry to hear about your mum and I know 

    How my girls felt when I was diagnosed. 
    i am

    I Am 18months On and currently on a phase one trial. Once your mums medical team have decided on her treatment I think you will find it easier.

    its never easy but there are so many more treatments around now. It’s a disease many live with for some time

    keep in touch 

  • Thank you for your kind words.

    It's such a horrible disease.

    You are very positive.

    Yes I will

    Thanks x