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  • 110 subscribers

What can I say. I really didn't want to put this post. Not because it is bad, because I felt guilty. Guilty because so so many of us on here are battling with the unknown.

As some of you are aware,  I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer last year. I was scared!!! Just like everyone, I thought  the 'C' word meant the end. I put an update on a few weeks ago with the news my CTC scan was brilliant.  I have since had another CTC in  May, for which I got the results at Oncology appointment on Friday 7th June. NOTHING AT ALL showed up.  We compared previous scans, and at the moment it has gone. I'm not able to have a 'cancer clear' as yet. I still have to have my CT scans every 3 months. Yes, I do feel so guilty. So many of the lovely people I met during treatment haven't been as lucky. I just wanted to let those know who are 'in treatment ' or about to 'start treatment ', PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP . Treatment can work for some of us. I honestly believed in February 23 when diagnosed, this was the end. I wouldn't ser my 70th birthday. Well, it wasn't and isn't.  I will be 70 in July and I am so grateful to the fantastic Consultant I have, and all the wonderful staff that have been involved in this journey. Keep smiling, keep believing and laugh as much as you can.

  • Thats wonderful news, Bubba - so pleased for you. Please don't feel any guilt  , I'm sure we all like to hear a positive, hopeful story and it certainly made me feel happier. Enjoy, well, everything! x

  • Hi Bubba

    Great news your cancer has gone .

    Yes I totally understand your " guilt " feelings as I have them also but as Ails says we shouldn't feel guilty , I agree also about laughter helping , that's one thing the nurses said about me " at least you've kept your sense of humour "  my answer is "only 2 choices laugh or cry , and I do some of the latter when home alone " 

    Take care x 

  • Totally agree laughter is the better way. Unfortunately I do cry every morning b4 I start my day so my poor husband sees it every day and I’m more worried about him atm . Love u all dearly. ActShrug tone1y just got news of a brand new ovarian cancer not even mets how unlucky . I said add to shit listShrug tone1Shrug tone1‍♀️

  • Aw Rehana , sorry to hear of new tumour but I did have a smile at you saying " add it to shit list " .

    Your husband and family will be fine   they maybe feel helpless they can't do anything but actually  they can , they can love you and care for you and share in both your tears and laughter and just being there with you . Sometimes it's just simple things that mean a lot like now you can taste your food by making you something you fancy to eat .

    Take care  x 

  • Hi  congratulations on your news! It truly is wonderful to read that there is no sign of cancer. Please do not feel guilty, this is a lovely and encouraging post that is very encouraging for people who are at the start of their journey. 

    Enjoy celebrating your good news. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you Chelle. Really appreciate your words. How are you doing? 

  • I am doing ok, thank you for asking. My sarcoma is stable, which is the best news, but mobility is poor due to complications from the meds. It is what it is, I can’t stop the meds as the alternative is unthinkable. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Glad to hear your stable. Yes, it is the best news you could receive. Think some of us do have after effects of treatment. I now have a 'barking' cough which I have all day and then it wakes me up duing the night. Never had one before the radiation. Going on 4 months now and regularly have trouble breathing. Scares our grandson to death, me too, but I can't let him see that. My little heartbeat now believes I'll live till a 100!!!! We have yo keep going through Chelle, as you say, the alternative is unthinkable. Keep smiling and be happy. Take care of yourself sweetie Kissing heart 

  • So happy for you and your family and friends to know you’re in a much better place in just a few months. Don’t feel guilty as you give hope to many.Blush