Tackling breathlessness

  • 2 replies
  • 101 subscribers

Has anyone benefited from a 'wedge pillow' or humidifier to try and be able to sleep better. My dad is really struggling and in all honesty the GP, the macmillan nurses and the hospital have not been forthcoming with any advice-feel like we are left to scroll the Internet for ideas.


  • Hi , sorry dad is struggling with breathlessness , not sure if this is any help , respiratory nurse said some people use a small fan to help with their breathlessness,  so maybe a small fan gently blowing might help . I had an adjustable backrest after my op and I gradually  dropped it a notch until I was able to sleep on 2 - 3 pillows , so can't comment on how a wedge would be . I hope this is of some help to your dad , the breathlessness is bad enough but if dad could at least get a good nights sleep that's half the battle . 

    Take care x 

  • Thank you Alexi