Does this sound like lung cancer?

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  • 105 subscribers

Hello! I will begin by noting that I do have a considerable amount of anxiety, specifically health anxiety. I recently lost a parent to lung cancer and my other parent passed away a decade ago of lung cancer. So cancer definitely causes me to have anxiety. I have convinced myself I have had several different terminal diseases over the years.  

Present day—I noticed some shoulder blade area pain about 1.5 weeks ago. It immediately made me think of lung cancer or breast cancer. Of course I know a lot of symptoms of both. I tried to shake it off. Went to the chiropractor and I have a pinched nerve.  Then I was pushing a heavy wagon up a hill, in gravel, and realized I was out of breath.  So I also know that’s a symptom of lung cancer. Then I started coughing. I also have a slight runny nose and 2 weeks ago had an ear ache. I also started having a pain in right side. Everything comes and goes and is never constant. The rib pain I’ve had for years. Then I had some arm pit pain and immediately wondered about lymph nodes. No swelling and had a mammo less than 6 months ago. I also have had a slightly hoarse voice on occasion this week but not constant. So I know a lot of the symptoms point to lung cancer.  I tend to get dismissed due to having anxiety in my chart.  I am female, early 40’s, no smoking.  Any insight on if this sounds like when your lung cancer was diagnosed? How concerned should I be?

tbanks so much. I’m so sorry for anyone going through cancer. It has taken so many loved ones away. Thanks in advance for any insight or advice! 

  • Hi  firstly I am so sorry to hear you lost both of your parents to lung cancer. You have my condolences.

    I would suggest you talk to your GP about your symptoms. You could have a virus, which antibiotics could solve very easily, but worrying that you have cancer can only impact on your health. 

    I have noticed that you have posted in several forums for the past 4 years, with concerns that you have cancer. Anxiety is a terrible thing, and I think you should seek professional help. 


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    Maya Angelou

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