PET scan

  • 11 replies
  • 106 subscribers

Hi everyone, I had a chest xray for some on related a few weeks ago which showed up a 13mm nodule with what looks like a vein leading into it. I was fast tracked and so far have had a ct scan then a pet  scan for which I am waiting for the results. I have a lung function appointment next week and was supposed to have a results consultation in 3 weeks. However the day after my pet scan the scan was reviewed and discussed at a MDT meeting. They called me the next morning and brought forward my result consultation to next week, 20 days before it was supposed to be. This all seems fast now so I am really worried. 

  • I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I know what your going through. However being seen earlier may be worrying but it's worse having to wait.

    Let's hope that the news is not as bad as you think, and that treatment starts soon.

    If you need to talk you know where we are.

    Thinking of you


  • I'm sorry for the delay in replying.  May I ask you how things are going? I do hope it's all positive and you are getting excellent treatment where and when necessary.  Thinking of you.  Take care. Look after yourself.  Regards Jane. 

  • Hi  I can fully understand how worried you are about this. As  has said, although this is a frightening situation, it is better to find out sooner, or you would of had weeks of worrying. 
    I hope you have some support at home to help you through this difficult time? You can come here to chat with us at anytime, as we do know what all this feels like. You can also call the support line on 0808 808 00 00. They are available 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm. 

    Please do let us know how your appointment goes. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you for the kind thoughts, I will let you know how I get on next week, fingers crossed xx

  • Sorry for the late update, things moved very quickly. So the nodule lit up slightly in my pet scan and it was then decided to remove it. Last Thursday I had a VATs segmentectomy and some lymph nodes removed. I am now at home awaiting the results of histology which could be 3 weeks. Fingers crossed m.

  • Hi Nicandad , good you have had the operation via vats , recovery is so much better ,  my nodule / cancer was 20mm and all my lymph nodes came back negative , so hopefully like mine yours was caught early and now just concentrate on recovery from op 

    Take care of yourself , take all the time you need to regain your strength and energy  x 

  • Hiya all.

    Hope you don't mind be jumping in. My position sounds much the same as yours. Had CT scan 10months ago which showed a nodule on my left lung. They said to leave it and check again in 9 months which they have and it's now doubled in size. Had a PET scan and it's lit up and so the surgeons want to take it out. I've the breathing assessment on Thursday and then see about the operation. I'm surprised that I'm not a quivering wreck but I think I'm in a bit of denial really. I love on my own and it's now at this time when I start to think about things and then stop it. The thing is that I've been a nurse for 44 years and worked in palliative care for the last 11 years at my local hospice and so it's hard really hence why I try to ignore it and block it out.

    Good luck to us all and sending love and best wishes. Michelle.

  • Hi  ,

    I hope your recovery after your operation is going well and that the outcome of your histology tests will be reassuring.

    If you don't mind me asking, do you know why your medical team decided to operate so soon? A lot of people here, including myself, are monitored for several months to see if the nodule is growing before any surgery is done.

    In my case, a CT scan with contrast showed a lung nodule in September. Another scan without contrast in November confirmed that it was not a harmless nodule called a hamartoma. Then in December I had a PET scan that showed a very small degree of activity (a take up level of 2.1, where the threshold is 2.0). I had yet another CT scan without contrast in March which showed that the nodule has increased in size by about 1 to 1.5 mm all round. The team decided to scan again in September.

    I have no other symptoms but of course I worry that I may have a cancerous lung tumour. That is why I wonder what was of particular concern in your case that warranted such prompt action.

    Wishing you well.


  • Hi Miranda, thank you for your well wishes. I am still awaiting histology so fingers crossed there.

    in regards to your question about surgery I was offered both watch and wait or a segmentectomy, which was advised, after my PET scan my Herder score was 18.

    I guess it comes down to the areas we live in as well. I am lucky enough to have been looked after by Southampton University hospital.

    I wish you well  and please keep us updated.

    Best Wishes


  • Hi Adam,

    Many thanks for your reply. I am very pleased for you that your follow up was so rapid and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too that all goes well.

    I wasn't told what my Herder score was. My nodule is very low down in the lung which I believe makes it less likely to be malignant. It sounds as if my team are going for the watch and wait option. I won't have any further update until my next scan in September.

    So like you I am waiting, waiting for the next scan in my case, waiting for histology results in your case. It's not easy.

    Take care
