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Hi everyone

I have noticed not many people talk about SCLC, I am stage 2a/b and have combined cancer which is not good for me as it is life limiting and not much treatment available out there. My cancer is the top of the right lung and localised and measured at 3 1/2cm when diagnosed, I have not long completed a 20 day high dose radiation course which was fine. I didn't really have any side affects except my temperature went to 34 degrees and hasn't come back to normal yet.

I don't know what to expect now except wait till August for a CT scan to see if the mass has shrunk any but that doesn't really help me with having the SCLC  as well. Will the scan pick up if it has spread anywhere or will it still be to all to show on the scan. I haven't been told what the life span is for this type of cancer but reading up it is approx 2 years and if lucky upto 5 years. All the data is out dated on the net and there is nothing about any new treatments available. I understand that everyone is different but if anyone knows of any new data for SCLC I would appreciate any information or where to look. I'm not suitable for chemo because I have asthma and COPD as well plus I have 2 knees and 2 hip replacement and take avairiety of different meds. Look forward to hearing from anyone going through the same as me. 

Keep well and safe


  • Hi again, so sorry to hear you've been going through a tough time, its not easy when these things pop up,  and make us think of the future and what it holds for us. But glad to hear that it hasn't spread to your brain. 

    It's the injections that I take for my white blood cells that cause me the severe pain its like tooth ache in every bone and at times I can feel it travelling down the bones and my joints click, and I have problems mobilising,  holding onto things as I walk around the house. This time my Macmillian Nurse got the GP to prescribe some Oramorph, for me, as to be honest, Ibuprofen wasn't helping at all.

    I'll keep you informed of any treatments offered, my consultation will be on the 12th July, so fingers crossed. What ever happens I've set myself goals, to give me some incentive, to keep going and keep trying. 

    I'm here anytime, if you just want to message me. It's nice to have support, take care.


  • Hi Jean, hope this message finds you well,  and that the dropping things has improved for you,  and that you have now got the results of your scan. 

    Mine was a mixed bag, one lesion has shrunk, about 0.8 cm but the other has grown 2cm. I've had my 4th Chemo on Wednesday, and have been offered 10 to 13 days of radiotherapy in 5 weeks time. The side effects don't sound to good, or the long term effects, but I hope to be giving myself the best chances possible. 

    Getting on with life as best I can, one day at a time. 

    Take care, hope to hear your news soon.

    • Hugs Debs x
  • Hi Debs why can't we ever get good news they give it with one hand and destroy you with the other. You just keep going and don't give up hope I am always here if you want a good rant or moan.

    The scans showed no spread to brain or spine the oncologist said it could be a side effect from radio which has weakened my right side, so I'm still spending on cups mainly the poor dog has got used to hearing the smashing sound now.

    I found I didn't have any side effects while having the radiotherapy and I was on a really high dose it's just time consuming everyday. I had my appointment for my CT scan to see what was happening to the mass for the 6 August but they wanted me to travel to Stafford hospital so I cancelled, they are sending a new one for the hospital down the road so just a waiting game now. As long as its not when I'm on holiday in August but that would just be my luck.

    You need to give yourself every chance for life and if it's there what have you got to lose, I'm going to take everything going to prolong mine even though 2 years is a short time to fit everything in so it will look like I'm going to very busy. I want my grandsons to remember me and say they had a fun Nana.

    Don't forget I'm here if you want someone to shout at I can take it. You take care of yourself and live life to the full and please keep in touch I look forward to talking to you love you xx Jean 

  • Hi Jean,

    Hope this message finds you well, I'm okay going through the motions.  They brought forward my mapping for radiotherapy,  so went yesterday, it was okay and now am the proud owner of three tattooed black spots. I shall start my radiotherapy treatment 17th Aug for thirteen days. 

    I've been doing okay but have started to notice that my breathing is starting to get a bit more laboured when walking or excertion, also getting a pain in my right collar bone, which is quite sharp, comes and goes.

    I am still so surprised at the different treatments,  and the way the consultants deal with people. 

    My journey, has been a roller coaster, but at the end of it my prognosis is still twelve months. 

    The prognosis I can deal with, it's the fact that someone has control over me, will I, will I not be offered treatment. And my last consultation was a mixed bag, but then offered my fourth chemo,  then 10/13 days of radiotherapy.  Depending on the radiotherapy results, then maybe or maybe not I'll  be offered immunotherapy. When they tested my markers It came back 100%, for the immunotherapy.  

    So here we are again , slow steps, not ready to give in. Got my daughters wedding in Sept to look forward to, going dress shopping next week, for myself, also made an appointment to have a wig, as very bald at the mo, and don't think my hair will have grown back much be September.

    On a lighter note, have you become a regular shopper at your local charity shop, for cups and mugs, yet?  Hope the dropsy has improved and I know you have some appointments this month and I hope they go well for you.

    Take care, hugs Debs xx

  • Hi Debs

    Great to hear from you and you sound as if you have perked up and have things to look forward to. I had a really bad top part of the back with the radio but was told it was a reaction from the radio, if it keeps on for a few days tell your radiography nurses also tell them about your breathing because I had to have my inhalers changed which really helped.

    You know the ones with cancer as we all have the tattoos somewhere on our bodies. I found I didn't really have many side affects from the radio except after a few sessions I got really tired and could be sat talking to my daughter the next thing after an hour she used to say 'that was a nice visit'.

    Get a nice colourful wig and cheer yourself up having fun with it haha.  I've still got the dropsy's and the falling over but they have found I have a weakness on the right side through the radio but it's nothing I can't adapt to.

    I'm off to Blackpool in 2 weeks with the family and I'm really looking forward to the break, like you said what with treatment and the info you have to take in wears you out. I have my CT scan on the 13th to see if the radiotherapy has done anything for my mass but like you I only have a limited time because of the SCLC which can spread anywhere in my body. I then have a phone consultation on the 17th to see what they are doing next because I want everything going no matter what it is. 

    Now you spend your money on something really nice for the wedding and enjoy the day, you will be knackered by the end of the evening.

    I will let you know what they are going to offer and the results of the scan. Keep smiling and living life to the full and will speak to you soon love Jean xxxx

  • Hi Debs

    Great to hear from you and you sound as if you have perked up and have things to look forward to. I had a really bad top part of the back with the radio but was told it was a reaction from the radio, if it keeps on for a few days tell your radiography nurses also tell them about your breathing because I had to have my inhalers changed which really helped.

    You know the ones with cancer as we all have the tattoos somewhere on our bodies. I found I didn't really have many side affects from the radio except after a few sessions I got really tired and could be sat talking to my daughter the next thing after an hour she used to say 'that was a nice visit'.

    Get a nice colourful wig and cheer yourself up having fun with it haha.  I've still got the dropsy's and the falling over but they have found I have a weakness on the right side through the radio but it's nothing I can't adapt to.

    I'm off to Blackpool in 2 weeks with the family and I'm really looking forward to the break, like you said what with treatment and the info you have to take in wears you out. I have my CT scan on the 13th to see if the radiotherapy has done anything for my mass but like you I only have a limited time because of the SCLC which can spread anywhere in my body. I then have a phone consultation on the 17th to see what they are doing next because I want everything going no matter what it is. 

    Now you spend your money on something really nice for the wedding and enjoy the day, you will be knackered by the end of the evening.

    I will let you know what they are going to offer and the results of the scan. Keep smiling and living life to the full and will speak to you soon love Jean xxxx

  • Hi Jean,

    Oh my, hope this message finds you well, I've been for my first dose of radiotherapy today., what lovley staff, made me feel relaxed and comfortable. Its not everyday that you get to lie there naked from the waist up, well that will be my experience for another twelve days. Bring it on.............. . 

    I got my wig, had to pay for it as I'm on SSP and PIP, when my SSP runs out I can claim ESA, and I would have got it for free, never mind. Went to She Devil, got an amazing dress, pale pink, fascinator,  shoes and bag. Was out nearly all day and was shattered,  didn't do much the following day, the mind was willing, the body said ,,,,,,,,,no way,,,,,ha ha..

    Since then, have had all the family around to celebrate my birthday,  cake candles and all. They were all worried they may have to phone the ,,,,fire brigade,  with the amount of candles,,,,,,cheeky or what. ? That was a goal I wanted to reach, next one is my daughters wedding. Hope the radiotherapy doesn't knock me about to much. 

    I don't have any inhalers, I've got oxygen machine in the house, and small cylinders I have in a little trolley I take out with me. 

    I know you will be waiting to hear about your latest scan results, and I have been thinking of you. I hope that the news isn't bad, and I know that is what we all wish for. Bad news only makes us feel deflated, but your strong, and very supportive to others, my fingers are crossed.

    Hope you managed your break in Blackpool, making memories. 

    Hugs,take care

    Debs xxxx

  • Hi Debs

    I had my CT scan on the 13th and oncologist rang me yesterday but he didn't have the full report yet but he saw the scan and said the mass had reduced. Best news while on hols, he is going to write to me when the report comes back in full, he's booked me in for another scan in 3 months for now.

    Hope you are keeping well. 

    Love Jean xx