Meningioma brain tumour- benign

  • 6 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed 2021 after some falls etc. I have not had any treatment since my mri at that time. I recently emailed my consultant's secretary, to be told I am being referred to ENT! Can anyone please advise why this may be? 

  • I had ENT surgery for my Meningioma as it was pressing n my optic nerve and skull base surgery can be performed by an ENT surgeon as a keyhole procedure

  • Hi Mac

    Thanks for your message.  I find that comforting, if same happens in future.  Just hope it stays benign fir us. Jm

  • Thank you Mac. I have my 2nd MRI at end of the month. I've had headaches this weekend, but hopefully it's just the heat!! Our cats are being a pain and not getting along so causes some issues. Hey ho. Jd

  • Hi how did you get on after your referral?

    I have recently had radiotherapy for 6 weeks for my meningioma behind my right eye. I’m still struggling with vision symptoms and migraines and haven’t found the right medication to help manage them. 

    I look forward to hearing from you, Iris 

  • Hi Mac,

    How are you after your surgery? Do you have any symptoms?

    I have a meningioma behind my right eye which can’t be operated on and recently had 6 weeks of radiotherapy. I’m struggling with vision problems and migraines. I’m on medication to try help manage these but it doesn’t seem to be helping. 

    I look forward to hearing from you, Iris 

  • Hi Iris,

    Unfortunately, when they performed the surgery it turned out that the tumour had already affected the optic nerve canal vey extensively, resulting in complete vision loss in the affected eye when the surgery was performed.  I hadn't been able to have radiotherapy, so this was the only treatment I'd had.  I would have lost that vision if they hadn't operated too, so no regrets... but they did think it would help and it has helped others so hopefully if you have the same procedure (especially as you had the radiotherapy to slow the growth already?) it would be a better outcome!  I'll be having radiotherapy (after debulking surgery) if it looks like the tumour is beginning to get any closer to my optic chiasm (where the two optic nerves meet, and so potentially threatening my good eye) and hoping that would keep it safe!  

    I hope you are able to get some help for your symptoms and some good advice from your neurosurgeon.  Best of luck with it!