Liver Cysts

  • 5 replies
  • 16 subscribers


I just wanted to reach to anyone on here that has experience of cysts on the liver and if chemo was effective?

I am currently going through treatment for the cysts on my liver and really wanted to hear anyone's story if in a similar boat.

Thank you so much 

  • Hi there,

    I have two liver cysts. One is 4.5cm and one is 4cm and so far I’ve been told there is no treatment and that if they become very painful I might get surgery.

    are your cysts malignant? What treatment are you having please?

    kindest regards,

    Louli x

  • Hi,

    Mine are malignant and I have been getting treatment Folfoxiri. 

    Are your cysts malignant or ok?

    Thanks for your reply,


  • Hi SiCoTo,

    thank you for your answer so quickly. I haven’t had biopsies and they say they are common and some can grow to 15cms. So they said I’ve nothing to worry about but they can change to become malignant. 

    May I ask how you found out you had them and why are they called cysts? They have become quite painful and I can hardly breath at times with it. My gp has referred me to the local Liver team but the wait is over a year!

    kindest regards,


  • So I had a PET scan that showed the mucin inside the cysts were cancerous. 

    I think they are also called lesions but I'm not sure.

    Sorry to hear that they are causing you pain, I don't have any symptoms which is strange. 


  • Thank you…. I am so sorry you have this and I’m wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatment.
    Much love,

    Louli xx.