Stage 4 bowel cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Morning all

its been a while since I’ve posted. I do struggle with this website but I think I have it all bookmarked now!

I was diagnosed just over 2 months ago with what I initially thought was bowel cancer but transpires I headed straight to stage 4 spread to liver - fairly major and lymph node involvement no possible surgery 

I’m still struggling mentally to come to terms with it. Why me syndrome! 
I’ve just completed 2nd cycle of Xelox last Tuesday. Tingling of hands and nausea and fatigue is so real! 
I know it will improve next week but I’m just having a struggle . How do u get the time line diagnosis out of ur head. My hospital seem good but there is no positivity at all - how can I be positive if they’re not? 
anyone else feel as depleted?? 
sorry just having a moan and don’t know who to talk to. My friends and family are great but I’m sure I can see the pity and thank god it’s not me look. I think I’m paranoid !! 
much love to all 

  • Phoenix I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Just so that you know that I can understand a little of how you feel I’ll tell you my situation. Stage 3 bowel cancer diagnosed 2019, secondary  spread to the liver July 2022, liver resection 6 weeks later. First 6 monthly scan this March, cancer has spread further into the liver. Recently told I have less than 6% chance of 5 year survival. I’ve just had my chemo stopped halfway through as it was making me too ill. I don’t know where I go from here. That’s my story so far. I’m surprised and saddened that you haven’t been given any hope. Have your hospital said that you are incurable, but treatable? I hope one of the others will be along soon to offer their insight. Can you talk to your nurse specialist to see if your situation has just not been explained very well. I really hope that you can get some answers. Keep us posted when you’re up to it.

  • thanks Jools63. no surgery - liver too complicated - have multiple tumours , lymph node involvement. chemo pallative (hate that word.) but i am hoping like so many that i respond to chemo and they shrink so they ay consider surgery. everyone is so young to have bowel cancer theses days - would like to hope there is hope 

  • Chemo can work wonders. I had chemoradiation in 2019 and it shrank my tumour by a third. Have you read Courts profile? Her mother has had lots of chemo and surgeries over the years and is a true beacon of hope. I have asked where my latest tumours are, but haven’t yet got a straight answer. I know there were 3 when they operated, but they thought there was just one. I know there are at least two this time. When you know what chemo they’re offering you come back on here, and we can share our experiences if it’s the same type. Sending you lots of love and hope.

  • thanks Jools - yes i have connected with Court - her mum is amazing. I am trying to work out how to get notifications as i keep missing stories! Thank you for sharing your story with me. I do so hope that i get shrinkage but i guess they just never know and don't want to give false hope...although any hope would be good lol xx