Still waiting for pathology

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Just need to get this off of my chest. It’s been four weeks since I had my liver resection. I’m doing really well physically, but mentally struggling. I am planning a trip to see my family soon and am not quite sure what to tell them. My original pre-surgery prognosis was for a 40% chance of cure. I keep trying to come to terms with the fact that I might never be cured of cancer. The thought of telling my parents is so painful. I have tried to protect them, but know that I need to prepare them for all of the possibilities. Any advice would be really appreciated.

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read that you're still waiting for the pathology results from your recent liver resection which is making it difficult to know what to tell your family.

    Do you have a CNS (cancer nurse specialist), sometimes known as a keyworker, who you could get in touch with to find out how much longer the results might be?


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  • Thank you for responding latchbrook. I spoke to one of them last week. She said as soon as the pathology report is done it’ll go to MDT. Then I’ll get an appointment to discuss it! I know they’re all busy, but we all know the waiting is like torture. X