My wife diagnosed with sec liver cancer from an Ultra sound, CT scan next week

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  • 16 subscribers

My wife was told on Monday that she has secondary liver cancer from the results of her ultrasound. She has no cancer markers in her blood. But I think one lesion is 7 cm. She is having a CT scan next Thurs. I have read one person's post on here, whose mother has survived 5 years on. I am told that it is important where the primary cancer is, as that can determine the aggressiveness of the cancer. I would love her to live for 5 years. Earlier this week, we drafted our will and my wife wanted to give some things away. She has lost a lot of her appetite, but is managing to eat small meals. I have bought her some good fruit and she is taking multivits each day. How can she keep her strength up with much less of an appetite. I am very happy for people who have had their cancer cured, but part of me, just keeps saying, why does it have to be her, that MAY be at stage 4. She has taken the news really well, I was in bits. I hope they can prolong her life, with a reasonable quality. Thanks for listening. 

  • Hi 

    We have chatted through PM !

    Hope your wife had a good day today .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Yes it was ok, a little bit of pain, but at time pain free. She then does not want to move as she thinks she may get pain. It seems that it is some thing to do with a "sac" on the liver. Not even sure what I am talking about? Covid booster tomorrow and CT scan thursday. Earlier this week we did a will and boy is that hard to work out in legal speak. Thanks for asking

  • Busy week for you both !You will be pleased to get the CT scan over and done with . A step closer to a good plan .

    Some people do report some types of pain regarding the liver . I think they can get some nerve pain too if it presses on certain areas .

    Hope the booster goes ok. My letter just came through today !

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Another thing that is not nice, is sorting our all our affairs. Making a will, which we left till now. (just done the draft). Looking at all the admin to do, when some one passes. It really is daunting and will have to be done at a time of grief. Well I am getting ahead of myself, she may have several years yet!

  • These are the thoughts that evade your thinking in the early days . It is wise to attend to them just now as you are rightly doing but once done put it in a drawer.

    We made sure all things were in order then concerned ourselves with her well being . Finding ways to compartmentalise our lives .

    Always here for a chat !

    As you rightly say that paper work may be covered in dust . Mum’s is locked and not seen the light of day .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000