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  • 14 subscribers
  1. I was rushed to A&E on 19th February with a blockage. It turned out to be colon cancer. They removed part of my colon and I now have a colostomy bag. The cancer has now gone into my liver. I am waiting to start chemotherapy. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me what to expect from the chemotherapy treatments and how it might affect me. With thanks
  • Hi 

    Would you like to join us over on the bowel forum ? It’s roughly the same chemo components for a secondary spread as primary bowel cancer and lots of people managing a secondary spread over on the bowel forum . You would be most welcome and we could share the side effects hints and tips .

    You might also like to click on my user name as my mum had the same diagnosis back in 2009 and it might encourage you to see how her team managed it .

    My own mum Had chemo over two years , she had the tingling sensation in her hands and feet . Kept a scarf over her mouth when leaving the chemo suit and drank all fluids with a drop of warm water . Door handles and toilet seats can react with the coldness so some tips on managing the door handles over on the bowel forum . We have innovative clothes handing beside them to socks covering them !

    Hope your doing ok ,


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