Secondary liver cancer , primary colon cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Dear all , 

I am maya ,trying to stay positive with my mother’s cancer journey. My mum had resection of bowel on 28th of July . The surgeon said there is a spot in her liver of 9 mm which have to monitor in ct scan she is currently being treated under guys cancer centre .My mother is 56 years old, she has high blood pressure and diabetes. 
According to the histology result until 7th September , the oncologist said she is stage -ll , 12 lymph nodes removed but none of them was cancerous but they found only on the wall of vein so it is better to have 8 cycles of oral tablet capecitabine (xeloda ) I’m next two weeks but he said mum has to have blood test and ct scan of thorax, abdomen and pelvic . I did asked the oncologist about the DPD test to see if mum is dificient. 
My mum had Ct scan done , blood test done and went for another consultant on 24 th of September last Thursday. 
There was different oncologist , he shared us a shocking news that the ct scan showed the spot on the liver has increased from 9 mm to 11 mm and he said it seem like another tiny lesion. He said he nts mum to do another pat scan to find out if the cancer has spread another part of body . That scares me and poor mum she doesn’t even know will it be worth the chemo or not , but I am trying to keep her stay strong . 

That another shocking news thriller us thinking there is no cure , I couldn’t hold my tears .Now the oncologist said mum needs to start folfox chemotherapy which she needs to have infusion and pump will be fitted for next 24 to 48 hours and nurse will come to disconnect the cannula . 
I was overwhelmed with so many things and the shock made me so shaky and I couldn’t concentrate well . 
he said mum needs to have 6 cycles or 3 cycles I couldn’t remember but he said for 3 months have another Ct scan and if the lesion shrinks then if it is operable need to refer to liver surgeon . 
and another chemo of 3 months after wards . 
I would really appreciate your all help  , any suggestion what should I ask the oncologist again , there is one appointment on 14 th of October ,  I am taking my mum to stay with me and my children so I can cook her healthy meals when she doesn’t feel well . 
I really want her to live more years , I am scared if they say the chemo didn’t work or if they couldn’t operate the liver , what will be her treatment ?? 
please please help me to ease my mind and give us hope to stay strong , focus and positive .  Pray tone1Pray tone1Pray tone1Pray tone1

  • Hi

    I'm very sorry to read that you've recently discovered that your mum's colon cancer has spread to her liver. It must be an incredibly difficult time for all the family and it's not surprising that you are upset.

    I can't answer your questions about what her next line of treatment will be if the chemo doesn't work but this is obviously one of the questions you could ask her oncologist at her appointment in a couple of weeks time. You might find this information from Macmillan on secondary liver cancer and it's treatment helpful in answering some of your questions. This section tells you about the different treatments for secondary liver cancer.

    As the cancer has spread, your mum is now classed as incurable but this doesn't mean she's untreatable. Many people go on to live many years with cancer that is held in check by treatment. It might benefit you to join the family and friends group where you can ask questions and get support from others who have a loved one living with cancer. If you'd like to do this just click on the link I've created.

    Do come back and let us all know how you get on at the oncology appointment.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook


    thank you Pray tone1 for your kind and reassuring reply . 
    yes , I will do what you said .  I hope you are well . 

    I really hope the folfox chemo works to shrink her lesion and hopefully things will go in right direction

    yes , I ‘ll keep you updating what’s happening with my mum’s treatment . 
    I really want her to live more years with us as she is still young and my children  loves her to death . 
    She is so innocent and kind person . 
    The pet scan is booked on this Friday , haven’t heard from nurse to arrange chemo , hopefully next week . We have Mri scan for liver booked for 14th of October and oncologist appointment on 15 .I am very nervous to start chemo infusion for her next week . 
    I pray and really hope she will ‘nt get more severe side effects . 

    Thank you for your advice Pray tone1

    warm regards , 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maya, such sad news about your mum I am currently going through the same thing at the moment. 
    My mum had cancer in her bowel in 2018 which was removed by surgery and she was given the all clear. Then in November 2020 she had a ct scan which confirmed she has secondary liver cancer and the primary was from the bowel 2 years ago, which isn’t there anymore as it was removed 2 years ago but the rumours in her liver have only just shown which I find totally bizarre! 
    They have told my mum that the cancer in her liver is incurable and cannot be operated on because she has lots of little tumours all over her liver. A liver transplant has also been ruled out so the only option we have is chemo, the chemo she is having is folfox like your mum. How is the folfox treatment going for your mum? 
    My mum has a scan this Sunday to see if the chemo is/isn’t working and what the next steps are going forward, we feel so lost and in the dark with it all, my head is running in all sorts of directions. 

    I hope your mum’s journey is going as best as it can and I send my love your way, if you could reply that would be very much appreciated! Xx

  • Hello JT03

    I have only just come across your post, I am hoping you read Latchbrook's response to Maya86 and will consider making use of the links she has provided. Have you had any indication of how the scan went on Sunday?

    How is Mum doing?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lowedal

    Hi Lowedal, thank you for your reply!

    Mum went for the results of her scan and they told her that the tumours they could see on her first scan they now cannot see! 
    This was the biggest relief for us all and we cried so many happy tears! 
    They wanted her to have an MRI scan to make sure there was no traces of the tumours left and if not then my mum can maybe have surgery or carry on with chemo for a while. 

    They told mum she had stage 4 and was incurable and inoperable, so this was a massive shock to the system. There is still a long road to go for my mum but that road now seems to have a light at the end of it and I feel so thankful and truly overwhelmed. 

    Mum is on the highest dose of chemotherapy which she has done absolutely brilliant on, they said they could lower her dose because of the results but mum has said no she wants to stay on the highest dose for now to make sure it’s working as good as can be. 

    Her results from the MRI we will find out on the 6th April, so fingers crossed all is good and we can start the next steps what ever they might be Fingers crossed 

    Jodie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’m so sorry I couldn’t reply you earlier because of busy schedule with managing life and my mother’s treatment. 
    I ‘m so pleased to know about your mum’s progress , it is a brilliant news and I wish you and your mum all the best and good luck . 

    yes , my mum had the folfox chemo , she had 8 rounds of total chemo and the tumour has shrunk and she is doing really well with this chemo . 

    After 6 rounds of chemotherapy, the ct scan , pet scan and MRI scan showed the tumour had shrunked so she had 6 weeks of break from chemotherapy and she had the liver resection and ablation in king’s college, last Tuesday and the surgery went well and she is getting discharged from hospital on Saturday. 
    I have a full faith in god and my mum , her positive attitude and patience is getting there after the tough days .

    I wish you and your mum all the very best . 

    good luck !! 
