Cetuximab......when will the rash stop???

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Need some advice to stop my mum from losing the will to live....day 10 of cetuximab rash...painful, burning, swollen skin, pus, in and around ears, all over face, hairline. She tolerated the first few days...but it just keeps coming up, and no one will give her any idea about when it might settle down. The chemo unit have prescribed 1%hydricortisone....not really working well. They say don't touch it, but mum is using a disinfected needle to clear out spots.....yes....she's has been told about infection risk!!! They are going to dose reduce, and mums gp wants pictures of it sent over, but oncologist cannot be contacted.....she is calling mum at end of the month.

I know it's a good sign that the treatment is working....but she's talking about giving up treatment.....any tips or experiences that might help me???

  • Hi

    I don't have any experience to share with you but I noticed that no one in this group has come forward with any tips for you.

    When I replied to your post in the chemotherapy group a few days ago I suggested that you might want to speak to your mum's CNS as her team will want to get on top of this. If you haven't been in touch with them yet, and your mum still has this very uncomfortable rash, then this is something you might want to do.

    You could also post your question in the newly re-opened ask a nurse section of the Macmillan site and one of the cancer nurses will respond within a couple of working days.


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  • Hello....thanks for the reply. Mum spoke to her gp who asked me to send pictures to the community dermatologist. He prescribed antibiotic gel and dermacool cream. It didn't really help so mum gone back to steroid cream from the chemo unit. Her oncologist has recommended a dose reduction this weds but mum still has the spots although they have calmed down, but she isn't handling the mental stress that this has caused. I suppose everyone is trying to help her, but she wants a guarantee it won't happen again and she can't get it. We did get some advice from the Macmillan helpline, so thankyou for the suggestion. Sending you blessings.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Knowledgeispower20

    Hello. I know this post was 4 months ago, but better late then never. My partner skin does exactly the same. Something that really soothed the rash was sudocrem, We would apply it wherever the rash was in the evenings to give some relief. We found it calmed the rash down and made it a lot less angry, but keep in mind it doesn’t completely clear it up, he also used the antibiotic cream, and dermol 500 wash. his oncologists was surprised that it worked as well as it did. 

    Hope this helps anyone, even if it is just for a bit of relief xx

  • FormerMember

    When you look down and the face bowl is a bloodied and then in the mirror your nose is a river of blood it comes as a shock. Dry it off apply the medication and go out into the world. People have only sympathy and don't care what you look. For me there was no pain andI burst the spots as soon as they formed.   Take care.