Contact with NHS

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Not sure what I need do if I cant get hold of my oncologist in the situation where my cancer worsens and I am in pain or struggling to breath as I have secondaries in my liver and lung.  I'm currently half way between surgeon and oncologist and  it seems no way of contacting anyone all you get is answerphones

I just want to know that I am going through the process

  • Hi SylHop I seem to be in a similar situation.I have just been diagnosed and have only seen my consultant so far.I had to phone my hospital many many times to even find out if an oncologist had been assigned to me.I have now got his name ,but can not speak to him as all my tests are not in yet, i just don,t understand why i can,t just ask what is happening.I like you have no one to contact if my pain gets worse as my doctors surgery are not even answering now its constantly engaged.So have started a ( save myself plan ) i have contacted my consultants secretary, care nurse, oncologist secretary, oncologist manager,oncologist appointment secretary, i phoned the hospital main line and asked to be put through to them , and also asked for there direct numbers, i then either spoke or left messages every hour till they got back to me.I left messages on their answerphones and they do get back just don,t give up keep on to them all the time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I like you just needed to know i had not slipped through the net, and i think we need to remind them we are here and we want and need treatment too i hope this has helped Keep Safe Xx