Bilirubin and ALT Levels - high

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

can someone please help

ive been given bilirubin and ALT levels by my Fathers oncology nurse

ive looked online and the typical bilirubin and ALT levels are no where near the levels from fathers are 

what does ALT level 1,300

and bilirubin level 59 

actually mean?? 

We were given this information 36 hours ago and we are waiting for urgent liver scan 

thank you 

  • Hi

    That's not good that your father's oncology nurse gave you these details without explaining what they mean. 

    It might be better to post this question in ask a nurse as most people in this group are either cancer patients or their relatives and not medically trained to be able to interpret results.

    Wishing you and your father all the best


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  • Hi how is your dad doing now ? Hope you’ve had some good news 
    my mums in the same position bilirubin levels 55 booked emergency ct scan next week and stopped all weekly From now , she has bowel primary and liver secondary cancer , such a worry . 
