Question re blood test

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi  I wonder if anyone can advise why mum has blood tests to check liver function  she had 3/4 of her bowel removed 18 months ago but no chemotherapy.  It is now in her liver and can't have or should I say doesn't want chemotherapy etc  just wants to carry on while she can  they said approximately 6 to 8 months to live,  she is ok at present still pottering about. Why does she have to keep having blood tests what are they looking for?

  • I dont have any answers to your question, other than to say that your mum has the right to refuse any medical intervention if she wants to, whether that is chemotherapy or blood tests. It would be best to ask the doctors, or a specialist nurse if she has one, what the purpose of the tests are. Must be hard for you and her to be in this situation.

  • Thank you for your reply.   Yes very difficult.  I know that it is mums choice and that is fine, but difficult to 
