Secondary liver and bile duct blockage

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

my mum was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer last week and has several nodules. The nodules are blocking the smaller bile ducts. She has been told there is no treatment. Has anyone else had similar?

  • Really sorry to hear about your mum . 
    A lot depends on the primary tumour and the extent of the spread to the liver . If the liver is functioning well enough to have chemotherapy that can sometimes help . That’s what happened to my mum . 
    If you have unanswered questions that you would like to chat through with a Doctor your mum is entitled to a second opinion. You could also phone our helpline 0808 808 0000. They would also be happy to chat anything through with you .

    Do you know where the primary tumour is located and why they said there was no treatment ? 

    take care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Hi Purple32

    Just a bit more info - as Court said, it depends on what the primary cancer is (the treatment for the secondary is basically the same as for the primary). It could be that the cancer your Mum has is inoperable, but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be treated. My Mum has secondary liver cancer (primary is Kidney TCC which is quite rare and it's a high grade one) which was diagnosed back in June - the primary was removed along with a kidney 3 years ago. She has multiple liver mets ranging from 5cm - 1cm so it's not curable. However she has just finished a course of chemo which has basically stopped the cancer in its tracks. It's still there, but there's been no spread or growth as a result of the chemo. Given that we were told in June that 6-9 months was best case, we've now been told she could be ok for another 12 months plus, so there is always some hope.The chemo was tough going but it looks to have been worthwhile as we didn't think she'd still be around now.

    All the best
