Liver biopsy

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

I have been having paclitaxol for the last 2 years having been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer with metastases in bones and liver. Up to now the chemo has held everything back but a couple of weeks ago the CT scan showed one area in liver was growing, despite other areas shrinking. The plan is to do a liver biopsy next week. Just wondering how others have experienced the biopsy? Not keen on big needles being poked into me - but determined to be stoic!

  • Hi

    I haven't had a liver biopsy, so don't have any personal experiences to share, but I noticed that your post hadn't had any responses.

    I've found this information for you which explains what happens during a biopsy. I know it's not the same as hearing from someone who's actually had one but I hope it helps a little.

    All the best for next week and do come back and let us know how you get on.


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  • Thanks Latchbrook,

    I have posted on another thread after someone mentioned liver biopsy, so hopefully I will get some info. Thanks for responding though and for the link.

  • I Had the bioopsy yesterday and it was much less scarey than I anticipated. Given the advice by Daloni in LWIC forum I knew what to expect, but in fact the pain I was anticipating afterwards did not materialise and so far, so good. Just the results to worry about now!