Tumor size

  • 4 replies
  • 14 subscribers

My dad has secondary liver cancer and they have said that the tumor is 18cm. We are waiting for further information. 

He is 76 and also has a large tumor in his bowel. M

I always thought thought tumors would be 2-5 cm so I was incredibly shocked and scared if I’m honest at the size of this one.  Would anyone know how they grade tumors?

I know there is lots of treatments available but this has scared me with his age as well. 

  • Hi eyoung,

    As no one has answered so far, I thought I would just suggest you try the "ask an expert" part of this forum. It must be hard to hear that a tumour is so much bigger than you thought it would be.Hopefully one of the nurses on the expert panel can offer some proper information about grading etc. All the best to you and your dad.

  • Hi ,

    Is your dad having chemo ? My mum had a spread in her liver from a bowel primary . The liver is a large organ and they can get up to a good size but they can also shrink quickly due to the rate of cell division if they are good responders to chemotherapy . Sometimes other options open up if they can get them to a reasonable size . 

    Hope he is coping ok .

    take care ,


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  • FormerMember

    Hi eyoung74, I hope you don't mind me replying to your post. I dont have anything useful to share, but it seems our fathers may be going through similar diagnosis. My step-Dad has just been diagnosed with bowel and secondary liver cancer. He's 74. He has an MRI next week to determine the size of the liver cancer. This has all happened in the last 2 weeks, starting with emergency surgery for a blocked bowel, so we don't have much of the technical info yet. The unknown is the scariest part at the moment. Once we know more (oncologist appt today), I'm planning to ring Macmillan and see if I can talk through what's happening with them to get my head around it and how I can best support my folks.

    I hope you get some answers for your Dad's cancer soon.

  • Hi ,

    Hope the oncologist appointment helped your step dad and the wider family . The unknown is very challenging .

    If you click on my user name you can read my mum’s treatment journey for Bowel cancer with a spread to the liver . There is actually quite a lot of treatment options and they decide what’s best individually for each patient . It’s certainly not a situation without hope as some patients do well on maintenance chemo and even have short breaks without chemo and just recommence when required . Chemo itself sometimes opens up other treatment options depending on the health of the patient .

    Great your so caring . This will help them loads .

    take care ,


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