Coping after liver resection.

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After having Colon and Liver Cancer since 2017 and having 28 chemotherapy sessions over 3 days twice a month  all of the cancer mooved into the Liver. I have been very positive about this and coped very well up until I was discharged after a  fortnight in a Hospital in Birmingham after having a Liver Resection  .  Now I am at home I have become a little emotional and am having anxiety and panic attacks (I have suffered with this since Childhood).I have seen my Doctor about my feelings and have meds. I am also going to have Councilling with my local White House Cancer support group. I am 61.Male. Living at home with my Wife and 11year old daughter. I have all the support I need and I know there are sufferers in a worst situation. I am very open to talking if anyone would like to respond with there thoughts and experiences. I live in a posh area called The Black Country .