Deciding not to have treatments

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  • 13 subscribers
I was diagnosed with bowel cancer 16 months ago. I had an operation followed by Chemotherapy. Meanwhile I found out that it had spread to my liver so I had liver surgery followed by more Chemo.
In June my Chemo ended and I started to feel stronger and become myself again. Scan and blood test showed all clear, so I thought I had beaten it.
A few weeks ago after my routine blood test they said I need to have a scan as my markers were up. It was then confirmed that 2 new growths were found on my liver and it's Terminal.
I was so disappointed as I felt so good.
I'm now supposed to start a course of treatment but have already delayed it twice as I can't face it and don't want to give up how I feel now. I now have a week to decide one way or the other.
I think the problem is not knowing any outcome along the way. I could have treatment and operations in the hope one day I get a window where I feel as good as I do now. BUT I could be giving up the best time I will ever have.
Any thoughts
  • Hi that's a difficult one to answer but I was in your position 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer that had spread to the liver. So like you I had bowel surgery followed by chemo then a liver op followed by more chemo. Like you more growths appeared on the liver so I decided to have a second liver op which went well. (I don't know if I'm terminal, I don't want to know! ) It then spread to the lungs so more operations!  If you click on my name I think you should be able to read my profile and see what else has happened to me since! It is so hard to make decisions about what the best course  of action would be so I relied on my surgeons to give me an honest opinion on the outcome of the operations/treatment. I also have felt very well throughout all of this which helps,(apart from side effects of chemo which didn't last long) What sort of treatment has been suggested for the new growths in your liver? If it is more surgery then I found it much easier second time around, recovery was quicker and I didn't need chemo again. I feel that if there is a chance to tackle these new growths then go for it but of course it depends on where they are & what type of treatment you will have. I have been incredibly lucky with the outcome of my treatments and since diagnosis I have been blessed with 4 grandchildren so even more reasons to keep going! If you have reacted well to your treatment so far and recovered well then I reckon there is a good chance of the same recovery again. But of course only you can decide what's best but maybe my story will show you that you can live well with cancer. Good luck and keep us posted. x
