Just got blood test results

  • 8 replies
  • 14 subscribers

I have just got the results of my blood tests.  It indicates liver cancer. I was diagnosed with secondary bone cancer on Saturday. It just gets worse.  Feel like I am in a nightmare.

  • Hi ,

    Hope you have managed to get some support around you and a good treatment plan to follow . 

    It is horrible to discover cancer has spread and I don’t know too much about the liver as a primary cancer . 

    Certainly as a secondary site they removed 73% of my mum’s liver following success chemo . Has your oncologist given you any idea how they plan to approach treating it .

    My mum has been a stage 4 patient for ten years so treatment can be very successful for some people . 

    Take care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court,  

    It was lovely and amazing to hear your mum’s treatment being so effective.

    I am still waiting to see the oncologist. No plan yet.  The cancer has spread in my body.  I spent yesterday evening at A and E where the specialty doctor told me more about my cancer than anyone since I was told a week ago.  He told me I needed to put my life in order, now.  Said he would have called the GP is it had not been the weekend to call the oncologist to see me urgently.  I am supposed to do that on Monday.  This is the GP who did not listen to me when 18months ago I said I think this is cancer.  I passed out yesterday without warning and I am home now with my husband and young daughter.  Scared to go to sleep.  Exhausted of having to followup on my meds and appointments.

    sorry this is heavy.

    Your reply did lighten my heart.

    Bless you, DiAne

  • Hi . 

    Please there is no need to apologise for being heavy . Your reality is very important and feel free to be honest . 

    I gave your bio a wee read . I take it this has spread from your breast primary ! So glad someone listened to you and was able to explain but that’s so difficult for you when you were trying to communicate before that . 

    It does sound as though someone needs to see you quickly after all you are going through . We have a helpline here 0808 808 0000 if you need any guidance or to chat anything through with them . They might be able to guide you through the system.

    Hope you got a wee bit sleep . The oncologists generally have an on call specialist if you are worried about passing out . You could contact your emergency GP and ask them to phone your local cancer centre if you feel you have urgent needs .

    If not I hope you have some success tomorrow .

    take care,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • That is sound advice, thanks.  Didn’t think I was going to make it through the night after the news yesterday.

    Have just spoken with MacMillan who said I need to call oncology and GP tomorrow.

    Did not know about emergency GP etc.  Just told to call 111/999.  Feel I need to speed things up rather than spending time waiting in A and E etc.

    Thanks for advice.  Macmillan nurse said to see a dietition too.


  • That’s great they were able to help you . What a frightening experience you have had but glad you feel able to get on to them tomorrow and hopefully start getting the right people involved to support you . You are quite right , accessing the help you require through A and E is not a great mechanism for you .

    If you have had a chance to link in with the people on the secondary breast forum you might get a little information on the drugs they are using for bone mets etc .

    There is so much information to take in initially.

    Hope today has been easier for you .

    take care,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    How many rounds of chemo did you mum have? Is the cancer gone now they’ve removed that amount of her liver? My mum is just about to start chemo for secondary liver cancer I didn’t think surgery was an option x

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the forum . Sorry to hear about your mum . 

    It depends on lots of variables if surgery is possible . They do it more commonly with Bowel cancer that has spread and a few other primaries but not all secondary cancer seems to go down that Avenue. I assume they must get better results with chemo .

    My mum has actually had two liver resections . She was initially inoperable but chemo turned that around twice . It also depends on where the tumours are located in the liver and the tumour burden in the liver .

    Her liver has remained clear for the last eight years .

    You might also like to investigate Radio frequency Ablation. It also has a criteria but worth looking into and raising with her consultant .

    take care,


    ps I should also answer your question she had six rounds of chemo before each operation . 

    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember

    Oh u poor thing; sooo soz 2 hear that; an awful lot to take in. 

    Try to hang on in there & keep hopeful while your team sort out a treatment plan 4 u.

    thinking of u & sending love, hugs & healing vibes x