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My beloved husband originally had bowel cancer. Now he has 11 cancerous lesions that have “popped up”. They’re going to try to shrink the lesions with Folfirinox, then assess whether he’d have enough liver left, if they were to take the lesions out. 

My questions are:

has anyone here had this treatment?

has anyone had Folfirinox?

can he drink (small quantities of) alcohol whilst having liver treatment?

 Thank you 

  • Hi . 

    Sorry to hear about your husband . My mum used xelox ten years ago but I noticed your husband’s combination is becoming more prominent.  

    If you click on my user name you will see my mum’s journey . She had a great response to chemo and liver surgery became possible . Her liver has been clear for eight years .

    I am not sure about the alcohol issue but the staff will be happy to guide you . 

    All the very best with your husbands treatment . Here’s to significant shrinkage .

    take care ,


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