secondary liver cancer from the pancreas

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  • 14 subscribers

Just been told that the cancer has just spread even though I had the tumour and surrounding areas  removed successfully last August so I thought.   i'm still very confused to know what to do have chemo or not. I don't know if its worth the possible side effects.But reading on here people are living longer with treatment, so confused 

  • I have multiple liver mets, peritoneal mets and 2 lesions on my pancreas.    However I am still here 12 months later.   I am on a targeted treatment which I know is kinder than normal chemo but the results have been good and apart from one progression in the liver the rest are stable at the moment.    I did spend a week in hospital with neutropenic sepsis but managed to get over that.  The decision about further treatment is of course yours to make, but don't give up hope.    Good luck whatever you decide xx   

  • Hi Patti48, can you please explain the difference between your targeted treatment vs chemotherapy? My partner has been taken off chemo, as it was no longer working but has been prescribed a milder drug called Lonsurf.