Secondary liver cancer

  • 15 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Last January my husband had bowel surgery .then 6 months if chemo we went this January for the camera we were so happy no sign of cancer or polyps and told won't need a camera for two years.then he had a blood test and his marker was up again.afrer a pet CT scan we went for the results on Monday .the wonderful surgeon  had to tell us that he had secondary liver cancer with six legions in the liver and one outside .our world has fell apart out three beautiful daughters are heart broken .he has to have another scan next week as in January there was no sign of any cancer 6 weeks later it's showing up .any advice on how to get through the next few months .when he start new chemo he really is dredding.thanks in advance x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Patti48

    Hi, may I ask what the oral treatment is? I'm just about to be given Everolimus (Afinitor) for secondary NET liver cancer, and can't find anyone else who has any experience of this targeted therapy. I wish you well in the future, and thank you for "we're not alone", many thanks, Gordon xx

  • Hi Gordon ,

    How are you keeping just now ? My mum used a chemotherapy drug for her primary tumour . Oxalyplatin and the oral component was capecitabine. It was very effective for her . I think your agent inhibits certain aspects of the primary which may be why you have not heard so much about it . My mum’s friend had a NET tumour spread to her liver and responded well . She sadly died of a stroke later on in life , completely unrelated . 

    Hope you are keeping well just now ,

    Take care ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Hi, thanks for your prompt, and very kind reply. And there's the thing, feel quite well, a bit tired around tea time, but I'm 74, so to be expected really. When I speak to the doctors I sort of think they're talking to someone standing behind me? When I'm at home or out on my motorbike, it's just an abstraction, isn't that strange, do others find this? My best wishes to your dear Mum, I wish you both well, Gordon xx

  • Hi Gordon ,

    From an observational point of view she very quickly reduced its impact in her life and focused on living . I did find it strange as I know how she felt about others going through illness but when it came to her she had / has this remarkable ability to stay connected to her joy . Honestly don’t quite know how she has coped but it certainly has allowed her to maintain a good quality of life over the last ten years .

    The only thing she objects to is anyone suggesting a prognosis. She requested that they don’t . 

    She has sat through some tough to listen to consultations which I found dismantling but was able to shake them off quicker than I was . 

    Your motorbike sounds a great distraction . After my mum’s first liver resection she went sea kayaking for the first time . 

    Keep pushing the boundaries ,


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi so sorry I thought I had replied to you I get abit confused with all this.

    Hubby is asleep for the 5 days after chemo and the rash got really bad .so he didn't want to go out but the doctor gave him antibiotics to take everyday and he has got new anti sickness med so hopefully he will feel a bit better soon .

    Hope you and your husband are doing good .

    Thank you take care xx
