Secondary liver cancer

  • 15 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Last January my husband had bowel surgery .then 6 months if chemo we went this January for the camera we were so happy no sign of cancer or polyps and told won't need a camera for two years.then he had a blood test and his marker was up again.afrer a pet CT scan we went for the results on Monday .the wonderful surgeon  had to tell us that he had secondary liver cancer with six legions in the liver and one outside .our world has fell apart out three beautiful daughters are heart broken .he has to have another scan next week as in January there was no sign of any cancer 6 weeks later it's showing up .any advice on how to get through the next few months .when he start new chemo he really is dredding.thanks in advance x

  • So sorry to hear of your husband's secondary liver cancer and I realise this has obviously come as a shock to you and you are still reeling from the news.     I also was diagnosed last May with 8 tumours in my liver and also in my omentum (area in the abdomen)   and have been receiving oral treatment which has kept the condition stable so far.   I was surprised to discover that lots of people on this site have been fighting liver mets successfully sometimes for many years.   I am sure that things will seem a lot more doable once the treatment plan is in place.    Do discuss all your worries/fears with your oncology team or ring the Macmillan hotline for some support.   Good luck  xx

  • Thank you,

    Its good and heart warming to hear some positive news when everything feels so bleak .

    Thank you xxxxx  

  • Thank you Patti 48

    We had a chat with our oncologist yesterday .we feel a bit better now she has said that worse case scenario 18 months but chemo is in place and starts next week .we were told only 6months to start with so triple feel a bit better and more hopeful.husband has to have another scan on Tuesday to see how much it has grown in the last few weeks the cancer didn't show up on the CT scan but did on the pet Scan she wasn't sure why so he's having a MRI Tuesday.

    Thank you for your message reading your story has helped us a year later and your treatment is working is fantastic x


  • It makes a big difference hope your okay scared wife x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to boobonnie

    Hi boobonnie,

    I have just seen your message.

    My partner had a Pet scan as well as CT's. Pet scans can detect much smaller signs of 'c' they are much more in depth than a CT.

    Keep plodding,stay strong and hopeful as hard as I know it can be sometimes.

    We have to make plans to do nice things,and that helps.


  • Hi monto15

    Thanks for CT scan info it makes more sense now.

    I know what you mean we tend to say everyday is a new day and some days will be bad some will be good but your right keep plodding and stay strong .

    I think your idea of making plans is a good one we said we need to do lots before the chemo starts he was okay with the last lot but we were told the next lot will probably make him sick .

    Thanks x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to boobonnie

    Hi BooBonnie

    There are so many different types of chemo, with so many different side effects which effect different people in different ways.

    May not be as bad as you think.

    My partner gets very tired,but we still manage to things,don't write off doing things when chemo starts,you always need things to look forward to and help you through.

    Take care.x

  • Hi ,

    Sorry to hear about your husband . If surgery is possible the prognosis can go up over 30% . It pays to make sure a specialist liver MDT has reviewed his scans after chemo has been completed .

    My mum was given the same prognosis ten years ago this summer with a significant spread to her liver . She remains well today . Radio frequency Ablation is another avenue you might like to look into . Chemo itself is a powerful tool and a game changer for my mum .

    I wish him every success .


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  • Hi court

    So sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you x

    It's been a manic few weeks lots of hospital visits and I have been working lots of extra hours.

    The liver MDT have looked at my husband's scans and there t no possibly of surgery.he has got six lots in his liver.and some started on chemo yesterday he has got Ras wild type cancer.our oncologist has said he will be on chemo for the rest of his life with no break . average of 18 months.we are heart broken

    It's great to hear you're mum is doing so well.

    Bonniedag x


  • Really sorry to hear that. A very difficult time for you all and I send my love . 

    Chemo can be particularly effective for a small subset of patients . It turned my mum from inoperable to operable twice . I am thinking of you all and hope chemo works incredibly well . So glad he has already had his first one . 

    You might also like to keep an eye on Immuotherapy  treatment . They are currently widening its useage in America for MSI and MSS patients  . Not at that stage here but in trials . They are focusing more on Tumour Mutation Burden . Not a conversation for just now as getting through his chemo and staying well is his priority but certainly a thought to keep in the back burner . 

    It takes time and support to level out after such news and if your interested you are welcome to join us on the Bowel forum . The people there have lots of experience with managing the chemo he is on and will be happy to support you too as best we can .

    Take care ,


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