
  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

Hi all

Firstly I would like to wish you all well (I know there are so many of you going through the worst times right now).

My husband was diagnosed last March with lung cancer and secondary liver & bone cancer.  So far he has had chemotherapy and is currently on immunotherapy.  He has recently started to retain fluid in his abdomen and was given a drain in hospital on Friday.  The drain removed 14 litres of fluid.  

My question is, has anyone else had this amount of fluid drained over 6-8 hours and if so how did you feel afterwards?

Many thanks

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear your husband was so poorly. My mum had the same amount removed over the same amount of time. Then she had a rocket drain fitted recently and sadly passed away 4 weeks later :-(

    Thinking of you 

    Michelle x