Is there really no treatment option?

  • 12 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Two months ago my husband (67) was diagnosed with HCC that had spread to lymph nodes close to the liver, and also had a clot in the portal vein. (The clot led to the diagnosis).

He has been told that it is incurable, and that he won't be given treatment because the available immunotherapies would worsen his quality of life without offering any benefit in terms of length of life. We don't know what the prognosis is because he doesn't want to know how long he has. He is currently virtually pain free, and although much weaker than he was a year ago, he is still able to potter about and do small jobs. 

It just feels as though he has been sent away to die quietly at home. We haven't been given a contact nurse or anyone particular to talk to and I certainly feel abandoned. Is this typical? Is anyone else in this position?

  • I'm so sorry.  My mum has been diagnosed terminally ill. You are not a burden to your family please don't think that way. Do you have anyone you can speak to? Do you have a macmillan nurse to help with your feelings? I think all your feelings are completely normal in your circumstances. I cant imagine what you are going through. I hope you feel a bit better soon. Sometimes the depression hits hard. Take care.  X

  • I've seen tou have no contact nurse. I think there are helplines on this website you should call.  Please take care.  X