Travel Insurance

  • 5 replies
  • 10 subscribers

I am almost 5 years in remission following a bone marrow transplant. I am slowly getting some form of normality back in my life. I have had a few holidays within the UK and Europe. I am now looking at a Caribbean Cruise but so far i have been unable to find a Company who will provide travel insurance for me. I would appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on this matter even if it is to say I won’t be able to obtain travel insurance for the Carribean.   SR

  • I would suggest trying your bank. I had vulva cancer and was getting silly quotes for worldwide including America. Friends (cancer survivors) suggested trying my bank which we did and had to be screened and there was no surcharge for my only hubby who has blood pressure tablets. That was £48 for the year surcharge for him and the policy cost us £13 per month and includes cover for phones, iPads and lap tops and breakdown cover on the cars.  This was with the nationwide.  We also asked about if we decide to do a cruise and was told surcharge for that would be £40 and would be prorated out on the policy.  Worth a try as I know friends who bank elsewhere have got similar cover. Hope this helps. There is a link  called travel insurance which might also help.

  • Thank you so much for your reply I am off to my bank today!

  • Good luck please let me know how you get on. We was pleasantly surprised when we spoke to them.x

  • Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of my bank. I now have worldwide travel insurance! 

  • So pleased I could help have a wonderful time.