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  • 5 subscribers


I was Diagnosed A few weeks ago, has taken since feb To come to the conclusion its Tcell PLL, Im 36. and otherwise fit and healthy, As far as i can tell its a very rare condition and im starting Campath tomorrow, while they look for a bone marrow donor, I've had three sesions of chop when my blood started to change while more tests were being done, this brought levels down to normal, but has obvously started to creep up now, last one was three weeks ago.

Im ok and feel fine, I just worry for my beautiful kind hearted Girlfriend of 4 years who is an angel and a Nurse.

Please post any of your experiances with TPLL or any other advise you can offer, i know you are all going through simular things too.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Paul1969

    Thank you 

    It's so important to focus on the positives. We are now waiting to see if Nick can go home to spend the rest of his days with his family, this is what he wants and I think we'll all feel some peace knowing he bowed on on his own terms. 

    All my best wishes for you on your journey. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Since writing last year I got into remission but T-PLl came back within 6 weeks. I’m due to have the last chemo next week and after that I’m in the hands of the gods.  I just hope I can hang in until my son gets leave from the army and my daughter’s baby is born.  Due 23 June.  Scary times.. the positives are that without the last four FMC chemo cycles I wouldn’t be here to have the chance.  Now I’m just scared, scared to die and hurting about the distress I’m going to cause my children and partner.  I chat with the hospice occasionally but I’m at the hospital 2 times a week for monitoring. 

    all the best to you both,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     I'm so very sorry to hear this. 

    I can empathise so much with what your loved ones are going through. My brother opted not to go into a hospice but I'm not fully sure of the reasons why.

    He's being discharged from the hospital today as there is nothing further they can do and he's determined to go home. His sons aged 18 and 20 and his partner will be with him. We are all supportive of his decision to leave hospital and he's in no pain at all. 

    Sending lots of strength to you and yours.


  • Hi and

    I was just wondering how you were both getting on?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Paul1969


    Wish I could give you some good news but unfortunately my brother passed away on the 5 June, aged 57, a week after he discharged himself from hospital when they knew there was no further treatment for him.

    He was desperate to spend the rest of his time at home with his partner of over 20 years and their 2 boys.  

    He had wonderful care from Marie Curie who supported his partner with the care he needed during his last week.

    This disease was swift and vicious for him, he was incredibly fit and healthy but he stood no chance.

    Despite all this, I really want to stress the successful treatment he had at St James's in Leeds 11 years ago, he got to see his lads grow up into young men and he had an excellent quality of life during this time.  

    How are you getting on?

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear your brother passed away. Although it was expected it doesn’t make it any easier. 

    Pleased he got to spend time at home with his partner and boys.

    I am doing fine thanks. Trying to get used to the strange and difficult times that we are living through like everyone else.


    What is a Community Champion?

    You can speak to someone in confidence by calling Macmillan Support on 0808 808 0000 - 365 days a year 8am to 8pm It's free from mobiles and landlines. The friendly team are waiting to take your call.