Larynx/ Voice box cancer update

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Husband completed 7 weeks of Radiotherapy 4 weeks ago.

(aged 71 chemo was not an option as not offered once you turn 70.)

he has had 2 rounds of steroids to help with the movement of his vocal cords, they do seem to give him a ‘lift’ but once they are completed the pain returns plus other symptoms it’s like 1 step forward - 3 back.

he is having a lot of trouble with the amount of thick mucas which he is trying to bring up 24/7.  The colour of the mucas mostly has been clear sometimes a little bright red blood but we were assured this was normal.  2 weeks ago the mucas changed to green/ brown in colour and he was given a course of antibiotics in case of infection.  Steroids and antibiotics finished but the colour of mucas is brown/green light in colour and still very thick.  Has anybody else suffering with coloured mucas.

  • Hi Haigh, welcome to the Larynx site, I have had voicebox cancer however I had my voicebox removed so am what’s called a Laryngectomee, I didn’t follow up with Chemo or RT as decided the damage the RT does was not worth it, however with my second cancer of the Oesophagus I was treated with both so am somewhat surprised with the part over 70 aren’t allowed Chemo as bot =h these at 71 were given. The RT damaged my stoma and I have for approx. 12 months had excessive Sputum, in the end I was prescribed Buscopan-2 tablets 4 times a day and 1 Centirizine at night, he would also benefit from nebulising at least twice a day as that loosens the mucus.

    The colour of the mucus will change period odically but the green as you have seen is the one to watch as that’s a chest infection, I suffer from Emphysema so have to be careful, it will get better but please keep in touch with his Team and also sometimes I have found the GP is well versed – that’s if you can get an appointment !

    You also may find the following link to Head and Neck a better forum as there are more participants

    Hope he improve which I’m sure he will

    Take care


    Community Champion Badge

    We will move mountains to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can.
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    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

    Lead Volunteer for Hampshire MacMillan Buddy Service

  • hi

    thanks for your reply.

    several people seem surprised that he was not also offered Chemo due to his age so I’m guessing it’s a ‘postcode’ issue maybe!

    he was also told that if the Radiotherapy does not work they would consider removing his voice box.

    he is gargling with salt  up to 6 times daily plus nebulising x4 daily and using Carbocisteine x3 daily

    we are due to meet with the consultant again next week as he didn’t want to discharge him until things have settled (infection/ colour of mucas) 

    We was told by the consultant that a full body scan will take place 12 weeks after RT finishes, so we still have at least 8 weeks before we know if the RT has worked and if it has spread anywhere else in his body.  
    he is hoping to start working with speech and language in the next couple weeks they did mention to us that as soon as is possible they can use the probe to look down his throat. Does this mean that we might know before the full body scan if the RT has worked?

    Is this something that anybody else experienced or do you have to wait for the full body scan?

    im not sure what the procedure is up until the 12 weeks as some people seem to be referred back to their Gp and others stay with oncology 

    this is all so scarey, thank you all for listening and replying it really helps to know that we are not alone.  
    thank you

  • Hi

    A scan cannot take place for 12 weeks due to the RT still taking effect and interferes with the scanning, I would be surprised if he gets any serious information until those results are in, I didn’t have any cameras until well after the 12 weeks due to possible damage as the area could be quite damaged due to the RT

    As for procedures I would only speak with the Oncologist as his GP will be reluctant to advise while he is under Oncology and won’t have up to date information regarding his treatment results 

    I have head to hip scans every 3 months and a review after each should I have any problems in the interim then I have to contact either Oncology or my Consultant for throat problems, however I am also lucky that I regularly see the speech therapist regularly for voice valve replacement so they are a great contact if he has problems as they will get straight to his Oncologist 

    Please rest assured both of you will get full support from the MacMillan speech team, I couldn’t have got through all of mine without them 

    Hope this starts to help put your mind a little better and hopefully all his results will come back soon 

    Take care 


    Community Champion Badge

    We will move mountains to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can.
    We'll do whatever it takes. For information, support or just someone to talk to,

    call 0808 808 00 00 or visit

    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

    Lead Volunteer for Hampshire MacMillan Buddy Service