Kidney cancer update

  • 10 replies
  • 52 subscribers

I started a thread months ago which I kept updated, but everyone seemed to disappear so I thought I'd start a new one with all that's happened in a few sentences.

I was diagnosed with cancer in the left kidney last July. The whole kidney was removed last September. Within a week, after showing stroke symptoms, I was back in hospital where they found a brain tumour. That was removed completely at the start of October. 

I managed very well for a few weeks and really thought I'd be ok. Soon after though I had this terrible neck pain that was the worst pain I've ever had. After another scan they found cancer in my neck near my spinal cord. They immediately did 5 sessions of radiotherapy to deal with that and the pain slowly went away.

At some point during all this they found 5 small legions in my brain, nothing to do with the tumor they already removed. They used what they call a Cyber knife machine to zap those with some sort of radio waves I think. Painless but scary.

I was then started on immunotherapy which was an IV drip monthly plus a daily tablet. After 2 sessions I started to get very bad diarrhea. After yet another hospital visit as well as scans and other tests, they concluded that the immunotherapy had caused inflammation of my bowels. So that had to stop and I'm now on various steroids plus several IV sessions of "something" to reverse whatever the immunotherapy did to me. The plan is that I'll go back on the daily tablet soon and hope by body copes with that. 

During these months I've had about 5 seizures, 2 while in hospital and 3 at home, each landing me in hospital. The cause is unclear other than my brain recovering from all the treatment.

At my last hospital stay they made an unexpected discovery thanks to the CT scan of my insides. They found a blood clot on a lung, for which I'm taking daily blood thinning injections. They didn't find any more cancer at least.

For a few months I wasn't myself at all, according to family. I knew I got confused having basic conversations and always needed someone with me at appointments because I often struggled to answer simple questions. I wasn't aware that I wasn't myself but my family said they knew I wasn't the real me and they were worried I never would be again. They do feel that I'm totally myself again now, so that's something positive at least.

I've been on a rollercoaster of feeling both knackered and having lots of energy, of having no appetite and not being able to stop eating. It all seems related to my various medications, particularly steroids.

In recent weeks I've had the neck pain return although not too badly. This coming Sunday I have an MRI booked on my head and neck, and I'm very worried about the results of that. All the other problems I'm having or have had are either likely to be fixed or are already fixed and I'm not too worried about them. I'm mostly concerned of more brain tumours that may not be possible to remove or zap next time. I'm also frightened of this neck tumor as it could cause paralysis, which I'm simply not going to even consider living with. 

All this has caused strain with my girlfriend too. It's a long distance relationship but we used to cope with that pretty well and would see each other every month or so. I haven't now seen her since my diagnosis last July. I wasn't in a state to see anyone for quite a long time but now I could really do with seeing her. She admits she's scared of losing me so has her guard up, and I get that very well. I wish she'd made some effort to at least see me for a weekend to look after me, but I don't really blame her for pulling back and keeping her guard up. It must be as awful for her as it is for me. 

While seeing my brain surgeon after surgery I stupidly asked for a prognosis. He gave me a year. I was shocked it was that bad and he then seemed to backtrack a little, saying I could then aim for 5 years. He also excused his initial one year guide by saying, "Look, you DO have cancer", as if I needed to accept it without complaining.

At a general update meeting last week with my consultant oncologist I basically asked the same question about my prognosis. I told him I was given a year by that surgeon and that I really needed to hear something more positive even if it wasn't true! I just NEED a reason to live and a reason to do what I used to to earn money or following hobbies. If the upcoming scan is bad though, I'm not sure how I'll be able mentally to carry on. I mean, what's the point? 

I'm trying not to be all doom and gloom. I can still appreciate life and often think about all the amazing things there are to live for. I don't want to die, I want to live. I want to spend time with my girlfriend doing normal things like going to the shops, sitting in a coffee shop, walking through a field of sheep, watching sunsets, etc.. At the same time though, if my scans are bad or my health just get worse, I might be doing all those things while knowing it's the last time. My girlfriend would also know it. I don't think either of us would want to do those things while knowing that was the future. 

Is there not part of how the mind and body works where positive thoughts actually lead to healing? Maybe that's mumbo jumbo but it's the sort of thing people often say. Probably just to make sick people feel better though. 

This is so frustrating because a few weeks ago I started to go out on my own on a bus and even went to a garden centre by bus to have breakfast on my own. That was quite an achievement and I felt like I was truly improving. Within a few days though was when the diarrhea started which stopped me going anywhere, then within a week I was in hospital, had a seizure and they found the blood clot. So I kinda went downhill. In the last few days though I've started going out again, I got home from hospital by bus and walking plus have been on other local walks. So I'm partly getting back on top of things again for now.

I keep being offered referrals to various services for councilling. I turn them all down because I don't think I need one on one councilling from a stranger. I need support from family, friends or a group of people in a similar position to me. The only group I can find is an activity group, but I don't want to do or feel up to activities. I want to sit in a room with a nice group of friendly people who I can share thoughts and experiences with.

I did try the support number from here once several months ago, and while I'm immensely grateful for the service which I'm sure is great for many people, I found it very awkward. All I wanted to do was get off the phone. What I really need are groups that aren't too far away where I'm not forced to do activities or sit in a pub. 

Thanks for listening anyone who's made it this far! I'm not sure what I'm trying to get out of this, but at least I've had a bit of a moan about my predicament and maybe others will be able to relate. Please just don't anyone tell me how to cope with dying because I don't want to feel that I'm at or near the end. I don't know how long I've got, neither does anyone else, but I cannot accept things are that bad despite all my setbacks. 

Take care everyone, 

Geoff (or as every doctor and nurse calls me, "Ge-offrey").

  • Hiya Geoff. Nice to meet u...I only recently joined the group.  You definitely been having a rough time. My circumstances are very different to yours but you seem to be a stoic sort, taking each hurdle at a time. My biggest problem is mainly great fatigue, but I am learning to pace myself and asking for help. I am a doer, prefer helping others more than myself. Lol. It was a heart attack that brought me to where I am now. It was caused by a blood clot. I was hours from death the consultant said. During my recovery and shock I realise that I had spent my life rushing everywhere,  missing the bird song, the sunrises, the sunsets, the heart attack actually grounded me. My ethos now is day to day living. I bless the day if i wake, make my coffee and make a list of things I want to do that day. If I can tick 1 thing off that list I am chuffed. My other rule is 2 look, feel or find 3 sources of joy...which as u know on the bad days is not at all easy. Some days like you I want to give up, the pain, the fatigue, the hospital can all be too much, but maybe I am still here to give support and a smile to people like you, or a stranger in the ct scan waiting room, or a laugh with a nurse who is tending to me..who knows..I am notcready to die either, but if I do I know i went out smiling, leaving people the memory of that mad woman, always being silly, dressing weird and not acting her age..

    Always here Geoff..don't be hard on're doing amazing. 

  • Hi Fleabane, nice to meet you too. Thanks for such a kind and positive reply, it was very nice to read what you had to say. 

    I guess I have been taking things one at a time, but really that's how things have worked out. They fix or somehow deal with one issue, then another pops up. I end up with no choice but to go to even more appointments and have more scans. Sometimes more than one treatment is happening at the same time, or like with my recent bowel problem, treatments clash so they come up with these tailor made IV drips just for me. I'm not even sure what my treatment on Friday is for, but I'm going because I don't have a choice if I want a chance to get better. 

    Like you have, I used to have bad fatigue. That's actually what alerted me to something being wrong. Since around the start of 2024 I felt more and more fatigued and also had a loss of appetite. I tried various things like iron and other supplements but nothing helped. In the end I saw my doctor. I thought from other symptoms, and she agreed, that it was diabetes. Well we were right, it was the next day I was already in hospital having tests done. Oh but before the day was out they also told me they found a lump, which was cancer. I was too stupid to have even considered that but my Sister and Niece apparently both suspected it and had been pushing me to see my doctor. Anyway, sorry to keep mumbling and drifting off the subject! So the fatigue has now pretty much gone so that's good. Not that I'm full of energy but it's not like it was. I also don't appear to have diabetes any more since my kidney was removed. Doctors aren't sure about the reason but they aren't looking into it much. It is as it is so just a blood glucose check now and then. 

    You said it was a heart attack caused by a blood clot that started your own troubles. Was there a cancer that caused the blood clot? In my case I was told that cancer can cause sticky blood which can cause blood clots. Lucky they did a CT scan that just happened to find it. I'm sorry that they didn't find a clot in you before it caused a heart attack. That must have been very scary for you. 

    I love your attitude to life now, it's very positive and it's more how I should be thinking. If things don't improve for me then I hope I'll be mentally able to have a similar attitude to you. At the moment I'm just scared. If my next scan doesn't show anything bad, I'm hoping I'll have the strength to pick myself up more than I'm doing so far. I also hope my girlfriend will try more, but she's being so guarded and standoffish that I'm worried she'll never try and be close to me again. I really need the closeness of a relationship and someone I can do simple life things with. I'm not someone who has lots of friends to talk to. I only have one true friend but she lives so far away I barely ever see her. 

    I try to talk to people looking after me like the nurses and doctors, and of course the other patients. It doesn't really work though. They don't have much time just to talk, they have other patients. I still have a joke with them as much as I can and I do get compliments that I'm smiling despite what I've been through. That's it though, it's only a brief connection and then they're off to the next patient. I've also found it impossible to connect with other patients as the huge majority of people I've seen are either too old and deaf to even know I'm there, or they're too caught up in their own issues to even make eye contact with me. 

    Keep up the positive thinking won't you and say hi any time.


    P.S. I just read your profile and wow, you've been through so much! I am amazed at how positive you're being with all that's happened to you. I think you're amazing.

  • Right Geoff 2 stories for you. The first when I went for my pre op for my nephrectomy. I was holding it all together, I had to give up a job I loved, I shared then shielded my hubby and sons my cancer verdict. I really believed I wouldn't last long because my brother and mother died quickly of different cancers, nursed both. Anyway, the nurse in pre op saw me, alone, leaving my hubby in waiting area. All that masking and bravery fell away and i sobbed and sobbed. Now this is the important bit..the nurse said. That I had no control of the cancer, that was in the hands of my medical team. She said find the things in your life u can control. It sounds silly now but it grounded me a little. I dried my eyes, lifted my chin. I came home and made a nest, a place of comfort for when I came out of my op, I packed my bag, lots of pamper stuff and I am not a girlie girl so that was fun. And I keep that mantra now. 

    So look at your life now.What can you control? U mention ur girlfriend. I think it's worse for a partner because they only have their imagination and not the experience.  Maybe u could invite her to visit and stay somewhere neutral for a night to reconnect.

    Just throwing ideas here, remember I don't know ur circumstances.

    Second story was from last saturday. I was ready for my CT scan and I got talking to a bloke who's cancer started in his lungs, he was given 6 months to a year. He didn't think he would see his grandchild being born. But low and behold he took her to school on her first day. So that's 5 years. His has spread like your into his neck, his liver...he can't be cured but each treatment is shrinking and managing it all.he was about ur age. He looked well and said he felt well...treatments are amazing now, and new ones coming out all the time.

    There is always light to find if u look hard enough. Don't let the darkness overwhelm u. 

    Hugs and best wishes

  • Hi Fleabane,

    When I had my preop I don't think I was very with it. I didn't hold it back from anyone, I just got on with it but as it was my first surgery I wasn't sure what to expect. The whole thing was so surreal for me. It's good that what the nurse said to you helped. I don't remember having any helpful words at the time. I've been offered various types of counselling since but I can't see that helping me if it's just one on one with someone I don't know. 

    You asked what I can do about my situation as I can't control the cancer. Well I do have some control of the cancer by going to all the appointments and getting all the recommended treatment. As for other things, well I'm trying to get on with life. I've been out today actually as part of that, had a walk, eaten out, sat on a bus. I was with my mum but I'll do that stuff on my own soon. I have asked my girlfriend many times recently to sort out a weekend she can come to see me. She isn't keen at all though and won't even make a tentative arrangement. I've told her I won't be myself but at least we could have a day together. She is being very guarded and holding back a lot. I really don't think she wants to see me any more. Maybe me being so ill is too much for her. I've thought a lot about how I could persuade her to visit, but I only think I'll push her away more. I don't know what to do but I can't not see her ever again. The time may come where I cut myself off from her for my own sake. I hope it never comes to that.

    That's nice to hear stories like the man you met who's lived much longer than expected. I often read stories like that but then the negative side of me wonders how many stories there are where the person has lived less or the same time as expected. What scares me most is the unknown and how fast things can change. One thing leads to another too, like my cancer led to a blood clot and bowel issues plus more cancer. Who knows what's next.

    Yes you're right that new treatments are coming out all the time. I'm supposed to be on one of those now but it's just caused me nasty side effects. I have an appointment booked today for the 14th April which will be to make sure I'm recovered from current issues, then if all is well, to put me back of this fairly new medication. I don't think they'll do immunotherapy again unless there's a different type they can give me but this new tablet will hopefully give me more hope.

    Now that I'm able to get out by myself, I'm going to look again at any groups I could go to for people like me. I really need that if I can overcome my anxiety. 

    Take care and thanks for your helpful posts. :)


  • Smiley....I understand all you say, our anxieties are very personal and I like u don't get on with counselling.

    If u need a rant at anytime just shout out.

    Am usually

  • Hi SiFitz, thanks for writing. I can't actually see your reply here any more for some reason but I've already written a response so I'll send it anyway.

    I've never been told what stage my cancer is despite me asking my surgeon. He didn't seem to want to categorise it that way. I got the impression from him that he thinks it is what it is and there's no need to label it. Who knows. I'm glad your cancer is under control. I don't honestly know if I could say the same or not but maybe the upcoming MRI I'm having will clarify that. 
    There's the St. Barnabas hospice near me who I've been in touch with, but I have to say that I'm very put off the use of the word "hospice". Everyone knows what that means and it makes things feel so terminal. I did ask them about that actually and they said it tends not to mean end of life any more. I'm still put off. That aside though, from looking at their website I'm not sure it's something that would help me. They even wanted to keep me in there for 2 or 3 weeks and I had to keep trying to convince them that it would be the last thing I'd need. The place looks very luxurious but I don't want that. It comes across as a very nice place to live out your last days! 
    I've looked around again for a group I could attend, but mostly what I'm finding is activity groups. Stuff like yoga, walking, crafts, etc.. All I want is to sit with a coffee and talk to people. I think I'm in a tiny minority who only wants that. Part of my problem is that I'm very anxious and shy around groups or other people where something is expected of me. I'm probably overthinking all this, which is very typical of me. I usually end up talking myself out of doing anything or going anywhere. 
    I'll keep looking around and will try to find something more appropriate for me. 
    Take care, 
  • Hi Geoff,

    it can be a minefield with the terminology and their impacts. I asked my nurse  and she gave me a description of incurable- meaning that it can’t be cured (obvious) but you are expected to still be around for more than 12 months. She told me that stage 4 means that the original cancer has spread to other areas/organs and then there is terminal which is a life expectancy of less than 12 months.  The reason for the 12 month seems to be driven by a few things. Things like benefits can kick in, also some insurance companies will pay out if you’re declared terminal. Also, treatment options may change too. 

    That was a quick chat with a nurse but seems to make sense. See if you can have a similar conversation with your nurse or possibly better would be talk to MacMillan about the definitions?

    re Hospices, I don’t think that I will be staying in there when the time comes as I’d like to be at home but I may get to the point that I want to go to the groups that they host. You don’t have to be terminal to attend these and it may help. Time will tell. 

    Take care and all the best! Blush

  • Thanks for that info. Yes I do need to talk to my nurse and others about options of help. I wish I found these things easier. I keep turning down offers of help because I feel I won't get on with whatever they offer. 

    From what you were told I guess I must be stage 4. I did read that somewhere to that it's stage 4 if it's spread, which mine has. It's something I'm struggling to accept mentally because of how much more serious it sounds. 

    I have an IV drip for a few hours on Friday and there's a Macmillan office there, so I'll try and get the nerve to ask them questions about any groups they're aware of.

  • Just a quick thought before I go to bed

    MAGGIES...Google maggies, see if there is one in your area. It is for cancer patients and their families.

    Maggies is a beautiful place. It is a charity. The one near me is so beautiful and calm, there are trained people there if u want to talk about anything

    If u just want to sit and have a free cuppa and biscuit just help yourself

    Ours is open plan with little area where families can sit, made private by lush greenery or cosy places if u want to be alone

    They have an amazing garden if u want to sit in the sunshine

    Nothing is expected of u at all

    You can sit alone and enjoy the serenity

    Or take a friend or member of family 

    It is not a hospice, it's just a retreat to pop in and have a cuppa.

    Many people like yourself with social anxiety have made friends there over time

    There is NO pressure at all

    Hope this helps


  • Thanks so much for that tip. I had heard of Maggie's before and it does sound just what I'm looking for. Doing a location search though, the closest to me would take most a day to get to and home from. If I can get myself properly better and able to get out all day without constant worries of seizures or toilet issues, then it might be a possibility. The Southampton one is the only vaguely viable option.

    I'll look again at that and see exactly where it's located and whether I'd be able to get there or not. 

    I'll be at Worthing tomorrow for treatment where there's a new Macmillan centre, but it's not clear at all what they offer. All I've seen there are very kind volunteers offering people drinks and sandwiches. I'll maybe speak to them tomorrow and see if there's more on offer locally, as that's quite an easy location for me to reach. 

    Thanks again.