Pain weeing after kidney removal

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  • 51 subscribers


My husband had his left kidney removed 3 weeks ago. The last few days when he has a wee and pushes to start the wee he gets a pain in his back in the same side that the kidney was removed from.  This pain can last for a short period of time after going to the toilet and starts again when he needs a week.  He is drinking 2 litres of water a day, the surgery was done laparoscopically.  
We have chased the follow up appointment but there is no date for it yet. 
Anyone had the same thing.  We are just wondering if it’s normal. It doesn’t burn when he wees.

  • Hiya.i thankfully was fine after the op, except it took a while for my bladder settling after the catheter removal. 

    I am not a medical person, but maybe a small infection going on. Why don't u drop a pee sample into your GP explaining what's going on.

    Or you could ring your husbands nurse, from his renal team.

    Hope this helps a little 

    Sending hugs