Life after surgery

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Hi I’ve just had my kidney removed, I had to go back for results in few weeks but they did confirm it was cancer grade 1. 
I was just wondering how people are after surgery? Did you notice it had an impact on any daily activities ? Or restrict food or anything. I haven’t really been told to not have anything or cut down on certain things, so I’m assuming can just go about as normal. Thanks 

  • Hi, as far as food goes i wasnt told to cut anything out so ive been eating when hungry, i have noticed my appetite isnt the same as before the op, i dont eat as often as i did and i am having smaller portions.

    I have found a huge impact on daily activities, i have a lack of energy and if i do a bit to much i get some pain and discomfort but thats normal as far as im aware. Sleeping has been difficult as i used to sleep on my front and now have to try and sleep on my back. Its only been 2 1/2 weeks so still a while to go before ill be back to my normal self

  • Yeah I’ve noticed I’m tired alot more but like you I’m having trouble sleeping so hopefully when I can lie down fully I’ll be able to sleep better at night. I’m still getting pain in my lower back area but surgery was only 10 days ago. 

  • I've not had any back pain but the last few days ive had a small stabbing pain around where they operated that comes and goes, i have noticed that on the op side the skin over my ribs is almost crunchy when i press it, feels like theres bubbles under the surface. Its a bit weired. 

  • Hiya I had my surgery last February, left kidney removal. Have healed well. I was given some gentle massage advice off my medical team to gentle massage the area around the wound to help the areas of muscle etc to not form inner scarring...I very gently did this and now fully healed I still moisturise and massage the area. I have had no discomfort or pain at all from the area. If u have only just had the op, take things steady. I started with small 10 minute gentle walks, and built it up. I am not a have other medical issues. Yes I get tired but I have learned to pace myself and rest when my body tells me..hope that helps..just be kind to yourself.. Smiley

  • Thanks I have started today with a little 10 min walk and my Lower back is aching now. I also have a lot of numbness in my left thigh and slight on my belly, did you get this? I did ask the doctor when she rang and she said that is normal and can last up until 12 months. 

  • I didn't with this op, but I di after another abdom op I had years ago. I had numbness and odd twinges. U have to remember that muscle and nerves and such are unsettled after a major op and need time to heal and recover. So numbness and odd discomforts are to be expected. Well done on your walk...take it steady. Now is the time for gentle exercise and plenty of pampering.... lol...hugs and

  • Hi, glad to hear that everything went well. I'm 7months post op. Left kidney removal. More in bio. I've not cut out anything other than salt, like adding extra salt to my food that's a No no now . I drink but have always drank 2litres of water every day, even before diagnosis so does not phase me to do so. I should probably try and exercise more. But I have arthritis of lower back and a slipped disc so it's quite minimal exercise ie walking.  What I would advise is take your time to recover. I returned to work after 2 months. Slightly less. I think I returned too soon (if you work). I get very tired by the end of my working day, I'm up at 6, start at 9, finish at 5, but exhausted on my return home. I basically have dinner and collapse on my sofa. I find I have energy in the morning and by 1 or 2pm I'm done!! Whereas before I'd be fine. So take it easy every day. I hope you recover quickly. 

  • I'm 7 months post op and still have numbness and slight odd tightness/pulling discomfort in the kidney retrieval site.. and below belly button small incision where the arm of the da Vinci robot would have gone into... the other smaller incisions are ok. I have developed some pain over the past month in the retrieval site. I kniw they say you can get  hernia that can develop but I cannot see a protruding lump unless it's still under the site.. not sure... haven't contacted my GP yet, hoping it'll go...  how are you doing ? 

  • Hi yeah I’ve been leaving salt of food also. I’m only 2 weeks post op , the pain has eased. I’m just tired a lot but I can’t fully lie back yet so sleeping is rubbish and I’m up a lot at night. Another few days I’m hoping I can lie back. The numbness is still there in thigh and stomach and I just have a pulling sensation now in stomach. 

  • Totally understand. It'll take time.  You will get there though. Day by day you will get stronger. 
    do you have support at home?