Still waiting

  • 2 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi, I found out I have a tumour on my right kidney back in September whilst having an ultrasound on my gall bladder.

It was decided that I would have a partial nephrectomy and a cholecystectomy at the same time. However I am still waiting for a date to have the surgery and am getting a little impatient now. In December I was told it would be in January and now I'm told it'll be February! Apparently my op is more difficult to arrange as I need 2 different surgeons.

Wondering how long others have had to wait?

  • I had a nephrectomy nearly three years ago now. I also had bladder cancer. I was done and dusted after 3 months in as much as i'd had the bladder op and 6 weeks later the kidney removed.

    Waiting is hard once you've been diagnosed so i do sympathise there. Having to arrange two surgeons would make it a bit trickier. I hope you get a date soon.

    All the best ...Del.

  • Hi Soki, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Is was diagnosed with right kidney tumour back in Aug 24 and was operated on within three weeks. I was very lucky as I needed two surgical teams as well, as they proposed to put me on bypass as my tumour was heading toward my heart. My operation was at St Thomas's in London.  Seems you have been let down with cancelled surgery and maybe worth being a bit pushy. That said kidney is a slow growing cancer and maybe they are not too concerned. am sure you are though!  Hope wheels are in motion for you soon and Best wishes.