The best news ever

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Hi all, I was on back in October  and November and had shared a post about my diagnosis  and surgery. But I can't find it.

I had been for a ultrasound scan for my liver as gp  was concerned  about me having liver damage due to me also having diabetes....and whilst I was at the scan something was discovered. It was a Wednesday,  the following week on the Tuesday, I got a call from bolton hospital  to ask me to attend for a CT scan that same day. So I went for that, ( never had one before so was extremely  worried)  I got a call that same day asking me to go back the following  day to see a consultant,  so attended that appointment.  It was discovered  I had a tumour on my kidney....  but they couldn't tell me any more. I had a further CT scan on the Friday- so everything was happening  very fast.....  I was then left for 2 weeks and then saw the consultant  who confirmed  it was a cancerous tumour on the right kidney. 

 We then quickly decided we wanted it gone. So was booked in for the following  week at salford royal  for pre op and then the week after on nov 15th  I had the surgery.

Never had an operation  before so was so frightened  and all i was thinking was ' it needs to go!' Im a single mum and my  children need me..

I was quite poorly after the operation, my blood pressure  was extremely  high and they struggled to get it down.

 I was vomiting and had a general  feeling of unwell afterward.

I stayed in until the Sunday, they had hoped to get  me home next day, but that was impossible. 

I came home with pain meds ( best thing ever) and some injections to administer  to myself to stop blood from clotting.

 first few days i had my sister and mum here taking care of me and the kids. Even going upstairs  to the toilet  was like a military  operation. I spent a couple of days in bed.

 my appetite  had gone completely  and that took around 2/3 weeks to return. 

i then started to feel better, would be able to get around the house ect.....

its now been 2 months today that i had the operation  and im back to myself.

 my mental health has honestly taken quite a battering  but i dont return to work until 1st feb, so i can hopefully  try and help myself  to fix that a bit before i return.


Was my follow up appointment yesterday  had to go back to salford royal..... and they were amazing.

 I'm now Cancer Free, 

No further treatment  required at all.

 My cancer was a low aggressive one and I still have 90%of my kidney remaining.

I will have to have 3 monthly  then 6 monthly  appointments  and scans at the hospital  ( closer to home) 

 As they need to make sure it doesn't return, there is a slight possibility  it could. And they need to make sure my kidney  is still functioning  how it would be.

 So yep, I'm cancer free, and can now get on with my life.

It's been a whirlwind, but I have a new renewed outlook on my life  now.