Surgical stockings

  • 13 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi, I'm still recovering from my surgery and so still injecting the 28 day anticoagulants (which I hate doing Upside down) and still wearing the surgical stocking.  I don't mind the latter, in fact they keep my legs warm this weather BUT they are causing my legs to be really, really, REALLY itchy!!  Did anyone else experience this and if so do you have any suggestions or tips on how to manage the itching?  I'm applying my normal moisturiser 2 or 3 times a day which helps a little bit but still driving me mad.

  • Hello  

    I have just noticed your post has gone unanswered I am Brian one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan on the Community. I can't answer your question myself as I have a different cancer however by me replying your post will be "bumped up" to the top of the forum and I hope seen and answered by other members of the Kidney cancer group.

    i was on "Hormone Therapy" for 3 years and one side effect was itchy skin, so much so I had a prescription for moisturiser. I did find one that worked for me but it was an expensive trial and error.

    I hope you resolve the issue.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks for your response Brian.  I am embarking on the expensive trial and error!!  Was it the prescription moisturiser that worked for you in the end?  Or did you find an OTC that worked?  Thinking 

  • Hello  

    The two that worked for me were - free on prescription (and I still love it) "Aproderm".

     You can also get it on the web from a famous online store.

    The winner on all my trials was Childs Farm baby Moisturiser. It's sooo soothing!!

    I am a 69 year old bloke but I freely confess that "Aproderm" is the outright winner but by golly that's one trial I don't want again.

    I do hope you get sorted, itching isn't great.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian, I'll have a look into those.  Even though the itching isn't a serious issue, it's still so irritating and I can't resist scratching, which of course makes it worse!  I took a look at your profile ... it seems you have been on quite a journey yourself, so thanks for being a champion and taking the time to respond.  

  • Hello  

    it's not a problem. Everyone who has cancer, whatever cancer it is - we have a bond together that people who haven't got/had cancer can't understand.

    I started my journey "blind" Other people get cancer!! - How wrong was I - and in the first 15 months of my journey the support from the Community was amazing, like being in a family. After I was asked if I wanted to do the Champs job I feel like I am putting back what I have had out - at the same tome I feel "at home" on the Prostate Group, but now I have confidence I like to get "out and about" on other groups.

    The itchy skin I had was so irritating in an evening I would sit on my hands - now I am good apart from the odd urge to scrat.

    I do hope you get sorted.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That is so true, people who have gone through it or are going through it, really "get it".  Glad you have managed to get your itchy skin much improved and glad to see you "out and about" on here.  I'm going to try both products and see how I get on with them.

  • This has been my go to for post-surgery itching for four years. It has a reassuring clinical smell but not too bad. I had to check on the real name as my wife and I call it "ear wax".

    There are other brands too. If you can afford it, I'd buy a small tube of each option to try.

    Good luck


  • Why were you told to wear surgical stockings ? I had a partial nephrectomy followed by an emergency  embolisation to stop internal bleeding to my kidney artery ( found the next day after an evening of bleeding ). I was given a 28 day supply etc.  I wasn’t told to wear stockings as the fragmin injections was were all they told me I needed. Seems a bit over the top to me. Every hospital is different but I was considered high risk due to other conditions I had previously x

  • I can see why you've nicknamed it ear wax!  Thank you for your reply, it's helpful to try creams that others have already found useful for similar circumstances.  

    Sorry for the delay replying.  If I can't reply when I get the email prompt, I then remember late at night and think I'll reply the next morning and so on.  I appreciated being able to get the creams you both recommended and am pleased to report that my itching is now manageable. Huge relief!!

  • Thanks for your reply.  It is curious how different hospitals do things differently.  I know that the stockings were advised to help prevent blood clots and there was risk for blood clots to me, so I was happy to follow the advice, especially now the itching is manageable.  Glad to have completed the injections!