3 years today

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Had right kidney removed 3 years ago today. Stage 3a tumour, was told by specialist if it doesn't come out its game over. Just thought i would share experiences up to now. A lot of pain after op for around 5 days, took every pain killer on offer made it bearable. Pillows behind knees when in bed helped.Had to self inject blood thinners when i got home, the last one was Xmas eve, it was like having a weird advent calendar. Had 5 ct scans every 6 months. All clear so far , now waiting for first 12 month scan. After effects of this are chronic fatigue and feeling cold all the time, stomach slightly bloated on right side. Take vitamin D and iron every day. Still off work with the fatigue, physical job. 2 years to retire so probably won't return. Hope anyone reading this will get a bit of understating what to expect if things go well.

Good luck everyone.