Pain killer medication post radical nephrectomy

  • 5 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi - I am 5 months post surgery to remove my kidney and am doing well. I have Osteoarthritis in my knees, the doctor has stopped my anti-inflammatory medication as need to stay away from this to protect remaining kidney. I am really struggling with pain especially at night time, ordinary paracetamol does not touch it and unfortunately Codeine makes me ill. GP has just started me on Amitriptyline which doesn't seem to be having much affect although it is early days, anyone in same position that has found something that helps?     

  • I too have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and have never been able to find any painkiller that touches it, either before or after my heart attack and kidney cancer. I just live with it and use hot water bottles mostly. Amitriptyline has not worked for me either. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

  • Thank you for this, sorry you suffer too, if I come across anything that helps I'll pass it on.

  • Thank you, I am taking Pregabalin currently but it’s not working either. Think they have ran out of things to try on me. 

  • hi have you tried injections I dont have cancer im on here to support my husband who does but, i  just saw your post and i literally saw the physiotharapist at the doctors yesterday because of my arthritic knee pain she promised if the exercises she has given me dont help she will arrange for me to have injections, dont know if you can have them with your medication?  but it wouldnt do any harm to ask? it horrible isnt it i truly hope you get some relief, all the best, Linzi

  • Thank you for replying, unfortunately Cortisone injections are out as they are an anti inflammatory drug which I have to stay away from. All the best to you & your husband.