Feeling alone

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  • 50 subscribers

I have an inoperable kidney tumour and all the treatment i have been given gives me horrible side effects and makes me ill. They have tried immunotherapy and currently targeted therapy. The consultant does not come across as very positive when I see her. Mostly all I want to do is cry.

I have one friend and 2 children I rarely see. I had a partner but he’s in a home currently in hospital and has his own health issues and he’s just written me out of his will in favour of 2 grown up children from a former marriage who rarely saw him and did not invite him to any weddings christenings etc. and we were together for 42 years until he went in the home.

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about everything you are going through. I do get the bit about the consultant and totally get the feeling of wanting to cry and sometimes that seems to be about the best thing we can do.

    fingers crossed you get some better news soon.



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