Questions to ask

  • 8 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

I have a meeting on Wednesday with the consultant who I have been referred to for a partial nephrectomy. This is the treatment that has been recommended by the team of people who have reviews scans and results. I don't have a date yet for surgery but my NHS App says and average waiting time of 16 weeks for the hospital I've been referred to.

From people's experience, what questions should I be asking that the consultant is realistically going to be able to answer - I'm trying to manage my own expectations.

Thanks in advance and best wishes to everyone,


  • Hi Monkey Wolf. I am having the same surgery as you. I asked the surgeon lots of questions about the procedure. There will still be other opportunities to ask questions at the pre op and with your urology nurse. My wait time for surgery was about four to six weeks. I am having laparoscopic and robotic surgery. I hope the op goes well for you.

  • I didn’t really have many questions for the surgeon as I had limited time with him. I was given the choice as my kidney mass is small. I could have chosen surveillance or a biopsy first. I was also given the choice of cryosurgery. I couldn’t face the waiting of a biopsy and still needed surgery. For me surgery was the best choice. The choices that you make will be different to mine.

  • Thanks, EJ7861.

    I will make sure I ask lots about the procedure. The partial nephrectomy has been recommended by the experts so I'm going with that. 

    It's so much to process. 


  • I was given a leaflet about the procedure.It helps to know that you will have the pre op and the urology nurse to as further questions. I think that the procedure depends on the individual and the size of the the tumour.

  • If you are having your surgery laparoscopically/robotically then it will be minimally invasive ie three or four cuts. Blood loss should be less. I have been put on the enhanced recovery pathway where they will try to get me up and walking around as well as eating and drinking and going to the loo. Catheter and drain should be out as soon as possible. I was told to be as fit as possible before surgery. I was told two to three days in hospital. If the surgery is converted to an open then recovery will be longer.

  • Thank you. I will ask about the enhanced recovery pathway. When are you going in for surgery? 

  • I hope everything goes well.