Operation next week

  • 24 replies
  • 55 subscribers

I spoke to my nurse for the first time today and I have my Op on the 20 th march . She told me I had jumped the queue as my tumour is 14 cm and needs to be taken out ASAP . My tumour is still confined but pushing in the wall of the kidney . She also told me that I might well need more ‘immune’ treatment as she put it after . I am glad that they are doing my op quickly but am just a little low today as it seems I will be on immunotherapy straight away and it seems reality is setting in on my prognosis . I do try and take the positives aswell but it was a tricky day at the pre op yesterday as my wife got upset quite a lot when I was being checked over as I think it all started to look real for her too . All my stats were good yesterday and I have been told to expect a 5 day stint in hospital . I am a very upbeat and positive person historically but  that guy has gone for a while . My family are fab and I have 4 great kids and my wife and I have fostered over 50 kids and we still see a lot of them so I couldn’t be more loved and sometimes that makes it worse when you lost control of your life a bit . I think after OP I will get into the right state of mind . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    All the very best for tomorrow Phil. I am sure it will all go to plan as they remove your unwanted passenger. Here's to a speedy recovery also, and let us know how you get on.

  • Thankyou, how are you doing . How have they said things are with you 

  • I’m ok and quite relaxed at the moment . As I said the nurse stressed me out a bit a a couple weeks ago and that stressed my wife out . Nurse rang  my wife last night and told her that she probably went a bit over the top in a conversation with me and then proceeded to tell my wife that I could live another 15 years. My wife was then bouncing around telling the kids that this is a possibility . I’m not saying it’s not good to hear but I just don’t know where she pulled that stat from !! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    I am doing fine now thanks. 12 days on and just aches rather than pains, and the staples were removed yesterday. I get a bit tired in the afternoons but feel pretty good generally.
    Nothing heard yet regarding biopsy results, I expect it will be next month before that happens, so I am just taking each day as it comes and building up my stamina again slowly, nothing strenuous.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    Everyone is different and always difficult to determine how cancer will affect longevity. "How long is a piece of string"?

    Some solace could be acknowledged by the fact that James Whale who set up what is now Kidney Cancer UK was first diagnosed with cancer 24 years ago in 2000 and had a kidney removed, had no therapy, then enjoyed 20 years cancer free until it returned in the other kidney and spread elsewhere in 2020, but is still with us now undergoing treatment.

  • Yes that is very true , and I’m sure he was diagnosed at an early stage but still very impressive to see 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    I haven't read anywhere what stage he had, only that he had a lot of blood in his urine and a large tumour on his left kidney with 50/50 chance of operation survival. His experience gives hope to all of us going through this.

  • Ye ive just read through it myself and no treatment for 20 years when chemo was the only offer then . 

  • Good luck for tomorrow. Spring is nearly here so it’s a good time for recovery. Nights longer and days getting warmer. The waiting is finally over for you and you will be looked after by your caring supportive family. I will be thinking about you. Take care Phil x