
  • 8 replies
  • 53 subscribers

I kept help thinking my 14 cm tumour which is apparently contained pretty much in the kidney is desperately trying to escape out and though I am having my pre op tomorrow I’m thinking by the time of the op it will of spread out . I know it sounds paranoid and the oncologists know what they are doing but it all seems so laid back . When I was at the appointment ine oncoligist told me that they had caught it early but the next guy said that it’s a T3 and that could change after we look at it !! .  One minute I felt like booking a holiday , the next minute I felt like booking a funeral . I applaud their expertise but  the lack of control I have  can be a pain . 

  • Hi Philw

    It is highly unlikely that your cancer will spread whilst you wait a short time for your operation. This is the hardest part of the cancer experience...the waiting! And the anxiety.

    I would suggest, as others have done, that you try to spend your waiting time getting yourself as fit as possible, through diet and exercise....and stop Googling!! Do some positive, distracting activities if you can, such as meeting up with friends, going out for walks, gardening....watching films you've always meant to watch, whatever suits you. Worrying about your outcome won't actually alter the outcome at all, it's just wasted energy, and it won't help you physically, as you'll be tensed up and anxious.

    Be kind to yourself! Enjoy some time with your partner, friends and family whilst you wait for the operation.

    I hope it all goes well.


  • Thanks , ye i have actually stopped googling now and I’m walking loads everyday . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    If it helps. My 16cm mass had still not spread when it was removed 5 weeks after diagnosis.

    Hopefully your op won't be long after your assessment. Things seem to be moving along nicely.

  • Hope so mate , how are you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to philw

    I am coping. Looks like I may be able to go home tomorrow after 5 nights in hospital, but not until I have a poo which is proving a bit difficult at the moment.

  • I have the same concern about spread. I have a 5cm low grade Clear Cell RCC and have had all my organs scanned in my pelvis, and abdomen, but only half of my lungs have been scanned, the bottom bases. I am having the top half of my lungs scanned on Friday and am terrified there will be spread. My Urologist said my tumor was well contained totally inside the kidney, but can't it spread by other means, like in the blood?

  • Hi Lookinforan,

    Try not to get yourself worked up and worrying, just wait for the scan and results to come back, then you can see if you have to worry then Sandy

    Sandra 55