Dads diagnosis

  • 8 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Just reaching out and checking in, everything is moving so fast and I don’t know if the things are a good sign or bad, dad was diagnosed kidney cancer after a Ct scan due to passing blood clots and back pain, I have read that this symptom is only once the illness has progressed to later stages, dads whole kidney is covered with the tumour so they haven’t even taken biopsies, he is due to have his kidney removed next Monday, it will be only 2 weeks after he found out the results, it looks like his adrenal gland has tumours on it too, I’m struggling because I hate the  unknown, is it bad that it’s on his adrenal gland? Does it mean it will have spread else where?, are dads symptom later stages? I’m just so shocked, confused and to be honest BROKEN, now I suffer from health anxiety, cancer being my trigger so I’m finding it very difficult to be around my own dad and see his fear, I’ve seen him only once since I found out, how will I cope seeing my dad lose himself, sorry if this post is not allowed as it’s not very cheerful is it


  • We are all there to support you. We have all gone through different parts of this journey. I had a radical nephrectomy on the 4th June. Once your Dad has had is kidney removed, the doctors will have a better plan. Hang on in there Karen, we are all here to help you.

  • I’m trying thank you xx

  • Hi Karen B,

    So sorry to hear about your dad, there are quite a few of us on this site that have had our kidney and adrenal gland removed, the doctors will be able to help your father and tell him and his family more after the operation, we all know that it is a very scary and worry time for everyone concerned, please try to support and be with your father thru this terrible ordeal, he will need his family and friends more than ever at this time please let us know how he gets on after his operation try to stay positive I am sending hugs and best wishes to you all 

    Sandra 55
  • Thank you, I will be with my dad until he goes down for his operation and then I will be there until he wakes up, stay with my mum, do you know the average length of time the operation will be, he can’t have keywhole so open surgery 

    thank you

  • Hi Karen B,

     I had open surgery I was down a few hours but I also had my spleen removed as it was stuck to my kidney, everything went well I went in on the Monday morning and was home Friday, stay strong and be there for your mum and dad love Sandy xx

    Sandra 55
  • Mine was six hours and  quite a long time to wake up.

  • Hi  I had radical open nephrectomy just over 12 months ago very similar to your dads kidney and adrenal gland removed no need for biopsy consultant new straight away .Ten days after diagnosis had operation all so quick which was good but couldn't get my head around it wouldn't sink in six hour op out five days later home.The cancer was contained so hadn't spread but having ct scans every 4 months so far so good but a rollercoaster of thoughts but each week ,month you get stronger enjoy each day and try and stay positive (easier said then done) but just support your dad with every stage and be kind to yourself it's hard for family members to but keep talking, this group is fantastic and so supportive. Thinking of you all at this very hard time 


  • Hi if it's only in one kidney then that's good he can live with one kidney. If it has spread there are treatments he can have , they usually go for immunotherapy which has proven to be good in these cases , it might be a good idea to go with him so that you can ask the questions you want awnsered. Kidney cancer is slow growing so don't worry his oncologist will know the best treatment for him , xxx