Kidney Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Good evening everyone. I had a biopsy on my left kidney Wednesday just gone. And the surgeon has told me that they want to remove my kidney in September or October. From what I know the cancer that they have found is in its very early stages and quiet small. I have given up smoking since Monday this week. How nieve I was all my life thinking it wouldn't happen to me. I am 57 years old and took early retirement this march. So 2023 hasn't been the year I was expecting. Now I have to recover from a operation which hopefully will resolve the situation I am now in. They caught the cancer by accident while I was having a ct scan on my chest, so I believe I am very fortunate. Any ideas on recovery time from a operation like this. 

  • Welcome Wallis. 
    It’s a shame it takes cancer to become acquainted but I hope you’ll find out community friendly and supportive as you embark on your journey. 
    Just like you I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in the same year as my husband and I were retiring and thought that it would put an end to our plans. We needn’t have worried by the time I went for my 6 week checkup I was feeling very well recovered and a couple of months further on we were sailing down the Nile.  Obviously none of us have exactly the same experience but I hope your journey is straight forward. 
    keep us posted with how things go and don’t hesitate to ask anything you may want to. There is likely to be someone who will be able to help. 
    wishing you well. 

  • Hi Wallis251,

    And welcome to the community I know it is not a group you want to be a member of, but they are a great bunch here and will try to help you with information, the only thing I would say on recovery is that everyone one is different and you will have to let your body tell you when you are ready to go, sometimes it depends on what operation you have and how fit you are to start with, the only thing I would like to add when you are sent home to recover have loose clothes and slip on shoes so you don’t have to bend to much, one thing I needed was a pillow to hold against my belly for the pot holes and bumps in the road for the ride home, I went into hospital Monday morning had my left kidney and spleen removed I had open surgery and was home early Friday evening, I hope you recover well let’s us know how you get on sending hugs and best wishes to you Sandy xx

    Sandra 55
  • Hi

    I was the same as you I went in for a chest scan for a cough and they found a tumour on my left kidney.

    I went into hospital on 12th June for a radical nephrectomy and came out on 16th June. I started doing small walks the next day. As everyone says we are all different in our recovery. It will be 8 weeks tomorrow and feel I am nearly back to normal.

    I received my results by telephone consultation on 6th July, it was cancer but low risk and hadn't spread. Blood tests in December & scan in January then yearly if that goes well.

    Try & stay positive I think it helps.

    Wishing you all the best and let us know how you get on. We are always here to help you through your journey.

  • Like you I went for a bladder scan and a mass shown up on my kidney I was due for the operation to remove kidney on 30 May but I was unwell with anxiety and my parkinsons so operation was cancelled now much better but still waiting for a date now been told my consultant is leaving so I am being referred to another hospital this waiting is beginning to stress me as diagnosed 3 April and now into August