Risk of recurrence

  • 2 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I had a radical nephrectomy after which I was told that while the surgeon was  happy that the tumour had been removed, as it was very aggressive I have a high risk of recurrence. I have been offered immunotherapy but don't feel I understand the risk of recurrence sufficiently to decide whether to opt for treatment which has such potentially debilitating side effects. Can anyone point me in the direction of any stats that put the risk of recurrence in context to help me decide what's best for me? Thanks

  • Hi Eulalia,

    Welcome to the community I had my left kidney and spleen removed in December 2019, I was informed that it could come back but, mine had also spread to my lungs so I was put on immunotherapy to give me more time, so I am happy to have been put on it, there maybe someone else on here that might be able to answer your questions better, there is also the Macmillan professional you could ask more about what is right for you and explain about reoccurrence.

    take care Sandy

    Sandra 55
  • Thanks Sandy. That's useful to know. I'm very pleased to hear you have had a positive experience of immunotherapy.