Surgery planned 2-3 weeks, whirlwind of a week

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  • 44 subscribers

Just a hello to say thank you for all of the information I have found over the last week.

Had abdominal ultrasound last Monday (gut symptoms) and they spotted a 6cm mass on left kidney. CT last Friday and follow up today. Thankfully CT clear, except for kidney.

Surgery planned 2-3 weeks.

Looks like will take entire kidney and depending on biopsy results, they mentioned immunotherapy treatment. 

Im 46 with 10 year old twins. 

If anyone has any helpful tips, pre/post surgery, they will all be hugely welcomed.

  • Hi, fingers crossed everything goes well!

    I can only speak from my own experience, but these are some things that I found helpful:

    In hospital:

    - peppermint tea (good for bloating after laparoscopic surgery)

    - chewing gum (to get the bowels moving again)

    - hot water bottle (for pain/bloating)

    - numbing throat spray

    - nightdress (you'll probably have a catheter on night one)

    - slippers/dressing gown (you will probably walk to theatre from the ward)

    At home:

    - wedge shaped pillow (struggled to lie flat for a good few weeks afterwards and this made things a bit easier)

    - stretchy leggings (any tight waistbands made me feel really bloated and uncomfortable, this lasted a good couple of months)

    - face wipes (bending over the sink to wash was another unexpectedly sore activity)

    - toilet wiping stick (it's not glamorous, and thankfully only required for a short time, but twisting is really sore afterwards!)

    I'm sure others will add in some things that helped/didn't help for them that I've missed. The general feeling from being on this forum is often that it's not as bad as you think it will be, but the recovery process is long and slow. Stick with the physio exercises, and try to do daily walks, but don't push too hard or people tend to crash.

    Hope this helps, good luck with everything!