Chest scan showed thyroid problems ..

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

When I had the chest scan following diagnosis, they found my thyroid is enlarged, described as retrosternal goitre, so next week I’m seeing ENT on Monday and the kidney surgeon on Friday. Never rains but it pours. 
Anyone else had this issue? 

  • Hi  

    Not had those issues but doctors finding something new to worry about on scans - very much yes. Getting hospital departments to actually talk to each other can be a challenge so wish you the best with those appointments.



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  • Hi Steve totally agree with you.Just had an ultra sound on my abdomen and they found a polyp in my gall bladder. (What ever that is) Radiologist was a misery and told me nothing apart from it wasnt cancer. Well it’s something. My last kidney surveillance scan picked up an ascending aortic aneurysm and like everyone on here my initial kidney cancer was picked up on another unrelated scan. So literally every scan I have had since my kidney cancer diagnosis has found something nasty. The aneurysm being the cherry on the cake ! My nerves are shattered before and after each scan. My next one is Feb, can’t wait NOT. 

  • Gosh, I hope you get all that sorted. Hard though isn’t it, feels like one knock after another.